Dearest Cassandra,
When Caroline suggested you as a good honest psychic I had no idea what would happen or what you would tell me. I had my appointment day before yesterday and I’m still stunned, not only by my reading, but by how loving and kind you are. Caroline had told me you were very nice, but I’d say exceptionally caring, too. I know I had ordered an hour reading, but so much from my past came up that I didn’t realize we went over the hour until I was getting ready to leave. I apologized for taking extra time and offered to pay you, but you refused and said “it was time you needed and I had already asked MariaSuzonne to schedule the extra time”. So before I sent you this email I paid for the extra time. I know you said no so please give it to charity and thank you for being a ‘honest psychic, who is good at what she does and truly cares for her clients. And thank you for helping me to see my past in a different perspective so it no longer will haunt me”. You really are the real deal.
I am forever grateful,
Kathy K.
P.S. I’m going email MariaSuzonne to thank her, too. And I’m asking that you give her a hug for me since I didn’t get to meet her in person.
November 7, 2012
Rev. Cassandra & MariaSuzonne,
I want to express my gratitude for all each of you has done for me. My first experience was with MariaSuzonne. She made me feel so comfortable in her email, which surprised me because it is difficult to express feelings in an email. She even thanked me for ordering a reading. When we scheduled the appt she told me Rev. Cassandra has two small dogs and asked if I had a problem with dogs. She said if I did Rev. Cassandra would make sure they wouldn’t both me. I happen to love dogs so it was no problem.
Next I went to see Rev. Cassandra for my appt. Her home, even outside, is welcoming. When I walked in I felt an amazing sense of tranquility and peace wash over me. She warmly welcomed me and asked if she could give me a hug. I rarely turn down a hug; and she gives incredible very loving hugs. I felt like family; she offered me tea, which I found out she makes herself and it was delicious; she sent me home with some. Then we went to her office for my reading. Her dogs are adorable and sweet and laid by my feet the entire time as if they were there to comfort me if I needed comforting, which I didn’t.
During my reading she told me things about my life in which I may have doubt about what I’m doing and she wanted to confirm I need to remove the doubt as I was on the right track. That made me happy. She also talked about areas where I wasn’t on the right track, which I kind of knew, but wasn’t willing to make changes. She told me if I didn’t make the changes I’d stay stuck and it would affect all areas of my life. I told her I didn’t know what she was talking about and she simply said “Caroline, you can try to fool me if you wish, but fooling yourself isn’t a good idea and detrimental to your own well being. The sooner you move her out of your life the sooner you’ll be able to take grander steps”. I was stunned as most people don’t seem to have a clue that I’m a lesbian. And of course I knew she was right as I’d been thinking I was with the wrong person, but wasn’t sure. I am now.
I had my reading last June and let my girl friend know our relation could not continue. She actually told me she was sort of feeling the same thing, which made the break-up a lot easier for both of us, but still sad. I did as Cassandra had suggested and took time just for myself to heal my wounds. Then last month I met a woman and we started dating. So far it has been delightful and hope it continues. We are still in the phase of developing a friendship, which I had never thought about before when dating someone, but it sure makes a difference. Thank you Cassandra for this suggestion, also.
I just want to say thank you and you know I’ll be getting other readings in the future and it seems Kathy will too since she has an appt with you next week.
Caroline J.
October 29, 2012
Rev. Cassandra
For more than 10 years you have given me several readings. You have also read many times for my family and friends. Even my dad, who was so hesitant at first was impressed with his reading. We have been more than pleased with the readings. My mom says you are an angel in human form and we all agree .You will hear from us again and again. Thank you so much for your time, your gifts and the angels you work with.
Jeanette P., family and friends.
August 8, 2012
Rev. Cassandra,
I had never been so impressed by a psychic before. Not only was your reading right on the money, but your kindness and compassion are something I’ll never forget. I became upset when you told me the man I was with wasn’t the “best man life has to offer me” I began crying and you were very caring. You helped me see what I really already knew, but didn’t want to look at. Since my reading, and because of you I got the strength to break-up with him. 7 mths ago I met a new man, who treats me as a lady and with a lot of respect. You told me he was going to come into my life and he did. I did what you suggested about taking my time and develop a friendship first. We are still friends and have moved into the beginnings of love. I look forward to each day and the time we spend together.
Thank you is not enough, but thank you is what I’m saying.
Marian W.
July 14, 2012
Rev. Cassandra is an amazing psychic. Accurate, kind, caring and is who she says she is.
Maribeth C.
October 15, 2011
I was so amazed by the accuracy of Rev. Cassandra’s reading. I was given a reading as birthday present and was quite skeptical, but I am no longer. If you want an excellent reading this is the lady to go to. I’ve already sent several people to her and they were… See More blown away as well as I. She is a true psychic and now I’m going to order the spell she suggested; love enhancement spell.
Susan B.
Sept 11, 2011
Dear Rev Cassandra:
I would like to take this time to Thank You and MariaSuzonne for all your help in the rituals. You performed a number of rituals for myself and my family and pets. Going into the process I was a little apprehensive and skeptical.
Now I can put my fears and disbelief’s away . This is the real deal ! Wow the Blessing Ritual is amazing. I and my husband run a small business here in Canada and as soon as the rituals were done about a week later we saw increased sales. Thanks to you and MariaSuzonne we don’t have to worry so much . Well at least I will not have to worry so much. I think I worry the most for the both of us. If any of you want confirmation on the rituals and do they work THEY DO and more than ever expected.
Cassandra is the Real Deal !
I have gone to other web pages for services of almost the same content and they were scams. Circle of Light is a True Blue, Real Deal . Cassandra and MariaSuzonne were there for me all the way and that’s what sets them apart from all others. What a team the two of them make. As I told Cassandra both of them are very professional and proficient.
Tell MariaSuzonne thank you for all her prompt assistance. She is just as caring as you are and I’m so glad I was led to your site.
With gratitude and trust,
Deborah B.
March 12, 2009
I had a reading with you last April. We talked about my pregnancy and you asked when I was due and if I’d had a sonogram. I told you I was due the middle of August and the sonogram indicated it was a boy. You chuckled and said “I don’t normally predict anything regarding pregnancy, but I am going to today. Your baby is going to be more in the middle of July and it’s a girl. On the sonogram it was her little finger that you and the doctor saw”. Well, I had a baby girl on July 15th, which certainly is the middle of July. Before she was born I told the doctor what you had said and by his facial expression he wasn’t to pleased by you. BUT I AM!! I did tell him that both your parents are ob/gyn and he still scowled and said “but she isn’t”. No matter what he thinks as my husband I are so happy. We have 3 sons and thought we’d never have a daughter and here she is. Her name is Cassandra after you and Lynn after my best friend.
Thank you for your reading. As you know I’ve send a few people to you, who are also very pleased with your readings. And they all said if when they get pregnant they are going to contact you, too. I did let them know predicting gender and date of birth isn’t within your normal abilities. Though maybe they will be as blessed as I was to get a reading or another reading for some.
Thank you and my entire family sends you love.
Lupita V.
August 4, 2011
From Rev. Cassandra: As Lupita says this really was unusual for me to pick up so much info about her baby. I think I was just as surprised as she was. And I do like the name Cassandra Lynn.
For many many years I have had pleasure of having Rev. Cassandra perform various spells for me and my family and to give us very loving guidance through her readings. She is my inspiration and my rock. Without her looking back at my life to do the healing would have been impossible.
GOD BLESS YOU, REV. CASSANDRA. You give such hope to people everywhere
Marigold J.
May 9, 2011
A Circle of Light,
Rev. Cassandra is amazing. If you are having a conflict and want serious no bs insight, she gives it to you straight because she honestly cares. She wants to help. She won’t promise to force somebody who’s no good to love you, or agree to manipulating people in any way. Her readings are clear and sometimes she just uses common sense to tell you the truth – not always what you want to hear but what you need to here to help your life. No contriving, no tell you what you want to suck your money dry until it works crap. She’s a true friend to individuals in need. Don’t go if you just want sugar cookie words…
Maggie F.
March 04, 2011
I am so sure I was guided to you. I had never had a reading in my life. I had no idea what to expect. But whatever I thought it was way off base. I guess I expected a creepy woman, who could take power over me. Brother was I wrong. Your appearance made me think of spiritual business woman. You knew I was nervous and took very little time to help me get what you called ‘centered’. Then you commenced to read my soul; well it felt like my soul. I still don’t know how you could know that much about me, but glad you did. I’ve tried a few of the techniques you gave me and they have really helped a lot. I especially love saying my affirmations. I say some before my feet hit the floor in the morning. It is an amazing way to start the day. I also had you do my karmic lessons and the really helped more to see the light. Of course I was rather stunned that in some past lives it seems I was rather inconsiderate, but as you pointed out if I had been inconsiderate then I wouldn’t be considerate now and yes you also pointed out that sometimes I was way to considerate. I’m getting a better handle on that by constantly being reminded I can say “NO”. I’m getting quite good at it.
With the deepest of gratitude thank you from my heart.
Ginger R.
November 11, 2009
Rev. Cassandra,
Here it is three days after my reading and my mouth is still hanging open in surprise. I know you are a psychic, but what you tuned in on was far more than I expected a psychic capable of doing.
You definitely are a ‘true psychic’. I will be back for another reading in the future and anyone who asks if I know a good psychic will be told about you.
Thank you from the bottom of my soul for helping me to see things more clearly and to now get on the right path. I’ve already started changing some of the things you suggested and am feeling such a difference in 3 days. I can only imagine how I will feel over more time. Fantastic I’m sure.
Tell MariaSuzonne thank you for all her prompt assistance. She is just as caring as you are and I’m so glad I was led to your site.
With gratitude and trust,
Elizabeta M.
March 12, 2009
Ms. Cassandra,
I hope everyday someone tells you just how great you are. During my reading I did everything I could to keep myself closed and you just kept knocking down the walls. I’ve decided to call you ‘a very gentle bulldozer’ because that is what you are. I’ve never felt as free nor as shocked at how accurate you were…….and how presistent you were. I sure got my money’s worth in this reading. I’ve told some friends and family and know my cousin is getting a reading next week.
Thank you for being a real psychic.
Crystal C.
February 11, 2009
Dearest Rev. Cassandra,
I had my first reading with you a few days ago and I’m still spinning with all you told me. I walked in with my head hung low and sad, but walked out with my head held high and happier than I’ve been in so very very long.
I’ll never understand how you knew so much about me, my personal life and all the other things you told me. And even more so I can not express my gratitude enough for your assistance in being turned in the right direction to make my life work far better than it has for years. You helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel and now I’m heading towards it.
When I first saw your site your warmth and sincerity came through immediately (I had looked as so many other psychic sites). Your’s was the first psychic site I saw that didn’t give me hesitation about ordering a reading. So I did and I am oh so grateful for it.
I will be back to order another reading in the future and will be telling all my friends and family and whoever else will ask me about a ‘true’ psychic.
Thank you from the bottom of my soul.
Annette B.
December 17, 2008
PS. Merry Christmas to you and MariaSuzonne. I know I’m feel both of you of you are a Christmas present to me from God and His angels.
Well surprised doesn’t cover what I feel about your reading. I’ve been to a lot of psychics throughout my life and you are right up there on the top of the list of good ones. I was with my last psychic for over 15 yrs and hope to be coming to you longer. So far, because of the hell have gone through, I’ve had 3 reading with you within the last 2 months. Every bit of guidance you have given me has turned out to be absolutely right on target. And for that I again say you are on top of the list of good psychcs.
Thank you
Marjorie M.
July 27, 2008
I had a reading with Rev. Cassandra and was blown away by the things she told me. Her accuracy and compassion is above the norm. I also had her perform a spell for me. I was so surprised that every few days I received an email directly from her giving me updates on the spell. And within a short time the results of the spell showed results and continue to do so. Amazing and I’ll use her services when ever I am in need and recommend her to my family and friends. She is exactly what she says she is.
July 18, 2008
4 Circle Of Light
I have had 4 psychic readings with Rev. Cassandra; my mother has had two, and several friends that I referred to her have had readings. Every one of us have been so happy with the results. Her accuracy was amazing. Her abilities are truly God given and she has a very strong belief in God, which I found unusual for a psychic.
Barbara B.
July 18, 2008
God has once again blessed me with one of his Angels here on Earth. Thank you for extending so much of your light, your life, and your positive energy towards me. I connected with you at time when I felt afraid and insecure about who I am, and who I’m striving to become. Your spirit and wisdom has touched me unlike anything before. And talking with you today was an absolute pleasure.
I firmly believe that when we contribute positive energy to the Universe, it comes back to us in ways we could never imagine. Cassandra, may the Universe continue working for you…and making all of YOUR dreams come true. May God also continue blessing your gift, so that you can continue touching the lives many others.
Thank you so much, once again.
Sharon T.
February 9, 2008