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Both my mother and father were in the U.S.Army, she was a Lieutenant in the medical field and he was a Major in the Calvary; that then converted to mechanical. Though my mom had to resign when she married my dad (at that time married women were not allowed to serve in the military). The first few years of my life were spent moving a lot for my dad’s work (I lived in 11 states, 2 cities in each state and in four states 3 cities, Canada, England, Italy and India. Thus I lived in a lot of different locations in those 6 years). Then we settled in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. There I finished Elementary school, and went on to Junior High School & High School. As a teenager, I studied (not really liking it); I fell in love & lost; got in trouble during Easter Vacation (what would one expect in the 60s in Ft. Lauderdale during Easter break with all those college boys!); saw one of the first US Beatles’ concert in Miami – Spring of 1964 (That was cool. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!), and spent time with friends. I then traveled around the US and Caribbean for awhile. After that, I started college. I carried dual majors; Psychology (Ph.D.) and English (Masters). Later, I received two additional doctorates; one in theology and the other in sociology (and this from a kid who did not even like to study). Then I earned a degree in hypnosis . I still have a private hypnotherapy practice in San Diego, CA., which is where I have lived since 1967. My Spiritual Beliefs are very strong. Yet if someone teaches me something new and it feels right and the angels concur I’ll easily amend my present beliefs. I have been married twice…with 21 years in between. My first husband was killed in Viet Nam and it turned out that my second husband was just plain lost. The likelihood of remarrying again is unknown, but probably not. I’ve grown used to and like coming and going without having to discuss it with a spouse, who may be worried otherwise. 🙂 Now, I live with my adopted Lhasa Apso, Tashi Deleh, which is Tibetan meaning “Good Luck”. He had been so abused by his previous owners and his own father; he really needed some good luck. He is so precious and the sweetest dog. On November 13, 2008 Tashi and I adopted Sasé Chienne, a female Shih Tzu, who had been a ‘puppy mill mama’. Her name was “Beastie” and there was nothing beastie about her. Actually, she has become our family clown and cuddly as all get out. As far as my psychic counseling: I have been psychic even before I can remember. The gift has always been a legacy from both sides of my family (though many family members have various modalities of using their gifts and many refuse to accept it – I did for years). When I was still an infant I would lay in my crib just cooing up a storm. My mother, father and nanny knew I was talking to someone, but had no idea who. Then when I began to talk I kept saying ‘an nelz’. After my diction improved they finally figured out I was saying ‘angels’ and that I had been communicating with them. (BTW, all infants communicate with angels, but usually cease when they begin to walk and talk. I just never lost that communication.) As I began my quest of metaphysics I became more and more aware of the gift that was given to me. At first, I had a difficult time accepting that I had been chosen to have this gift. Who was I to be so blessed? A priest helped me by telling me that if I was questioning why I have this gift, I was actually questioning God. OOPS!! I never questioned again! Then in the late 60s at a major university in Southern Calif. I heard scientist were testing people for their psychic abilities. I decided, out of curiosity and on my family’s legacy of psychics, to be tested. It turned out that I was 87% accurate. That tickled me; especially since I wasn’t a practicing psychic. I thought if I had been practicing all along maybe I would have been more accurate. I have come to learn that no psychic is ever 100% accurate. God gave us free will and because He did even He doesn’t know exactly what we are going to do all the time. After learning meditation, hypnosis, and many other techniques, I knew that these angels were with me to assist me to help others…and myself. I asked and learned from these heavenly beings how to use their assistance. I began giving readings for friends, acquaintances, strangers or anybody that would let me do a reading for them. And quite frankly, I think I was more surprised than they were about my accuracy. A wonderful friend of mine once told me on the phone, rather frankly, “If you do not become a professional reader, which you and I both know you can, I am going to come over to your house and hit you over the head with a broomstick”. After laughing, I had a dawning and the light went on; she lit the fire under me, but I was still in doubt. Then she told me not only was she a realtor, but also worked for one of the psychic phone lines. She had me apply for a job there telling me I’d have to give 3 readings; one to the owner, and the other two would be psychics. Because these were professional psychics I was extremely nervous that I’d goof with all three readings. However, after each reading they told me I was quite accurate; in all three readings. Later, another wonderful lady, who I had the pleasure to meet, helped me fine tune my abilities. Then she had me give readings to her and several of her psychic friends. Believe me, at the beginning I was again very nervous giving readings to professional psychics. It was frightening, as I still did not completely have a grip on my ability to use my gift. Since 1986 I have been a professional psychic reader and wouldn’t trade my job for almost anything. The joy of hearing feedback from my clients and the love I have for my work is like not working at all. And to my clients thank you for giving me the opportunity to work at a job I dearly love. I am so blessed with many wonderful people who request my services. The honor each person bestows upon me by inviting me to serve them on their life’s journey is such a privilege. Whether it is to give a reading, a ritual, a spell, to reconnect with their angels I am humbled by every request. I really love what I do and am grateful to God for the gift I have received to help each person who asks for my assistance. I am also grateful to my family’s legacy. My goal is to assist everyone on this planet to connect with their angels. Can you imagine what a wonderful planet Earth would be if we all checked our angels before we took actions? No war, no crime, no hate, no churches or governments dictating what we should or should not be doing; just pure love for each person on this planet because they are our brothers and sisters, which is what we are supposed to be expressing. ![]()
Chana is extremely psychic herself. When she was growing up I never could buy her presents early. I had to buy them the day before or the day of as she would use her psychic abilities to tune in to me and then would know what her presents were. This made it quite difficult to stay one step ahead of her when she was growing up….if her mother was not also psychic. Though I must admit there were times when she was one or two steps ahead of me! It seems each generation has been more powerful than the previous. ; ) ![]()
There are certain people that come into our lives who become like family. I have been blessed with many of those. Around 1982 or ’83 a gentleman, who was one of my neighbors, came into my life and is still very much like a sometimes overly protective brother. We have seen each other through some rough times and, thank God, mostly through great times. We have watched each other’s daughters grow up, laughed with each other and cried with each other. Now, I want to honor him on my site. He is Chuck Muncie, the former San Diego Charger & before a New Orleans Saint full back three time Pro Bowler. Chuck has a wonderful organization that helps kids turn their lives around. I hope you visit his site and possibly become a sponsor. Please tell him that I sent you. To visit him just click on his photo. ![]() ![]() I send you love.
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