The most common question I am asked is, “Why do you charge for a gift from God?”
EVERY occupation is a gift from God. Thus EVERY HUMAN deserves to be compensated for their occupation. Whether we are a doctor, teacher, secretary, grocer or street cleaner, they are all gifts from God. Without Him giving each of us special talents/gifts we would not eat.
What is a Psychic?
Webster’s definition: Pertaining to the psyche (of the mind) beyond known physical processes. Apparently sensitive to forces beyond the physical world.
The word psychic is derived from the Greek word psyche, which means pertaining to the soul. A true psychic (one who is clairvoyant, clairaudio, clairsentient, clairessense, channeler) is also referred to as a “sensitive” or “medium.” A sensitive attunes to the vibrational energies of all living things. This vibration is best understood as electrical impulses. Much like coming into your home in the evening, you turn on the light switch. When you do this the lights come on. You do not see the electrical impulse connection that the switch is receiving from the power source – the electric company. Yet, you do “SEE” the result of that connection because the lights are on.
What is clairvoyant, clairaudio, clairsentient, clairessence and channeler?
A clairvoyant has intuitive knowledge of people and things. A clairaudio is intuitively hearing that which is not audio. Clarisentient, sometimes called “Empathic”, intuitively feels people and/or things. Clairessence is intuitively smelling that which is not present. Channeler moves themselves out of the way and allows others, such as the angels, to speak or act through them.
How can you give me a reading over the phone or internet?
I channel 3 angels and to angels there are no boundaries such as phones, time zones, or countries. As for any good psychic, we do not need to be sitting across from you to give you an accurate and detailed psychic reading. The entire Universe is inter-connected, we psychics have learned to pick up your vibrations and tune in to the energy which you emit. I will tap into this energy, pick up a feeling; see a vision or hear words to help guide you in the direction that is most beneficial for you.
Is there any special preparation I should do for my reading?
For a phone, chatroom, ICQ or in person reading: the only thing you’ll need to do is relax. It may also prove beneficial to take a few quiet moments to really think about what areas of your life you wish to focus. The only thing I will need to know is your name and date of birth.
For an email reading: you need do nothing. It is for me to pick up on your energy no matter what your are doing nor where you are.
What if these are things that I would rather not talk about?
I am just like you in regards to certain things I do not want known in a reading. My goal is to give you the best psychic reading so that you can improve your life and be aware of coming changes. If there is anything you would rather not discuss, simply mention it to me and it we won’t go there.
What are some of the benefits of having a psychic reading?
The main benefit is that you learn if you are on the right path or need to make some minor or major changes. You will be able to know if there are any stumbling blocks on your path. Common sense tells you that if you know what is in store for the future you can be better prepared to handle it. There is also a feeling of increased self-esteem, well-being and a sense of feeling more peaceful on your life’s path. I get many people telling me after a reading that they feel safe, relaxed and a lot less worried.
What questions do people usually ask a psychic?
The most popular questions are things about relationships, career or personal well-being.
Relationship: “Am I in the right relationship?”, “Do you see a marriage?”, “Is my wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend cheating?”, “Is it a boy or a girl?”
Career: “Will I have more money in the future?”, “What direction is my career headed?”, “Will I get the job that I just interviewed for?”, “What is the best days for me to ask for a raise?
Personal: “Is there happiness in my future?”, “Will I ever feel contentment within myself?”, “Will my life EVER change?”, “Will I ever feel totally secure?”, “Will I ever stop being so worried about everything?”
I think my favorite question comes when I have just told someone something that surprizes them and they ask, “How did you know that?”. This is a most precious question. ; )
What questions I will not answer?
There are three topics of questions I do not answer. I will not answer any health questions. I am not a medical doctor. For health, consult your physician. I can, however, assist to help you with the diagnosis of a medical doctor. Spiritual Healer
I do not answer questions of when a person is going to die. I believe that is a personal thing between them and God.
I will not choose lottery numbers for you. NO PSYCHIC CAN DO THAT! So do not be fooled by those that say they can. If they could, then they would be winning ALL the lotteries themselves.
How do I find a good psychic?
I believe personal recommendations is the best way. Whether I am looking for a good Doctor, Dentist, mechanic or other service I would ask friends and/or relatives. If they use a psychic then I would ask for testimonials, how long they have been in business, or ask to talk to clients. If a psychic refuses to comply with this, then I would find another psychic.
How can I tell if a psychic is a “true psychic”?
“True Psychics”, sensitives, mediums, or readers should be informing you. If I ask any question of a you it is only for confirmation on the information that I have already given you. Any psychic that starts asking you for monies to burn candles; get rid of curses; or to get back that love, is usually full of it. (Excuse my bluntness!) I have heard of people spending thousands of dollars on candles, spells, potions, etc., when you can light the candles yourself and/or prayer does the same thing. Besides one should be MOST careful about this as you are crossing the line into manipulating and/or controlling another human being. You do not have that right. BAD BAD KARMA!
What about some 800 numbers that claim to give free readings?
Be careful of this. I have called and question a few of these offers and I was astounded. Many say that you receive 30 free minutes. However, what I have found is that you actually receive the first 3 minutes free on 10 calls. A few of my clients have told me that it takes longer than that just to connect to a psychic. Needless to say it is just a way to get you on the line. Then they will talk around in circles trying to keep you on the phone running up your credit card. A reputable psychic will not begin charging until the actual reading begins.
I am not in favor of them. Just think if you call a 900# at $4.99 per minute, that works out to be almost $50.00 for a 10 minute reading or almost $300.00 for an hour reading. The psychics that work for these companies are placed in what they call lanes. If the psychic’s calls average 10 minutes or less they are in lane #3; 11 to 19 minutes they are in lane #2; above 20 minutes they are in lane #1. The psychics in lane #1 receive most of the calls. Therefore, the idea is to keep the client on the phone as long as possible. And the sad thing is that the psychic receives on an average $.25 per minute. So the company receives the rest….$4.74.
No, there is nothing wrong with you. Most psychics have experienced this at least once in their career. It has nothing to do with you. It is just that sometimes we can not tune in on a person; or we are having a ‘bad hair day’. You might want to ask her if she is having a bad day. If so, then try to get a reading from her another day. If she is just not able to tune in on you then ask her if she can refer you to another psychic. Also, be grateful that she is an honest psychic with integrity and returned your money. The fact that she did not charge you is a sign of a reputable psychic.
How do you do a readings?
Whether I am giving a 15 minute reading or an hour reading, the first thing I do is set aside your requested time for the reading. Prior to your actual reading, I spend 20 to 30 minutes in meditation to clear myself of the energy of a pervious reading or from any “negative energy”. This is to give you the clearest reading I can. After meditation I ask God and the angels I channel to give me guidance in the readings that I am about to do and to keep me focused. Then I am ready to do your actual reading. By ‘focused’ I mean that I pick up whatever situation you are requesting to be read or any additional information that comes through that you need to know. I tell you what I am getting whether it be messages from the angels or my clairvoyance that is leading me. After I finish the reading I thank the angels for their guidance. I then meditate again to clear myself from the your energy. If I did not, then I would carry your energy to the next reading, which is not condusive. You certainly would not want me to bring another person’s energy into your reading, would you? ; )
If I decide to have a reading can my family and/or friends be there, also?
I do not like to read for more than two people at a time, as it creates too much chaos. And it is advisable that the two people are close (i.e. spouses, parent/child, siblings, lovers, etc.). When I do a reading, I read a person’s energy. When there are more than two people, the energies becomes entirely to entangled, scattered and dissipated. It also destroys my concentration and focus of the reading.
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