Welcome to my biography page. I promise not to make this long and boring. I was born in Battle Creek, Michigan (Fort Custer in Percy Jones VA Hospital) on October 7, 1946 at 3:35am. Both my mother and father were in the U.S.Army, though my mom resigned when she married my dad. After 8 years of the moving us around, we settled in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. There I went to school, got in trouble during Easter Vacation, and grew up. I went to the U. of Miami, where I had a dual major; Psychology and English. Later, I received another degree in hypnosis. I have a private hypnotherapy practice in San Diego, CA., which is where I have lived since 1967. I am also an ordained minister.
I live with my pound puppy, Calidad (Spanish for ‘Quality’), who always seems to be quite in tune herself. Her birthday is April 23, 1992.
I have been married twice: My first husband died in Viet Nam on his 7th tour of duty there when I was in the middle of my pregnancy. My second husband…..well, we won’t go into that. Let’s just say that it was an extremely difficult healing & learning experience leaving each of us VERY emotionally depleted. Now, we have gone our separate ways. ; )
As far as my psychic counseling, I have been psychic even before I can remember. My mother and nanny figured out when I was still an infant that I communicated with angels. As I began my quest of metaphysics I became more and more aware of the gift that was given to me. At first, I had a difficult time accepting that I had been chosen to have this gift. Who was I to be so blessed? A minister helped me by telling me that if I was questioning why I have this gift I was actually questioning God’s choices. I never questioned it, again! After learning meditation, hypnosis, and many other techniques, I knew that these angels were with me to assist myself and others. I asked and learned from these beautiful angels how to use their assistance. I began giving readings for friends, acquaintances, strangers or anybody that would let me do a reading for them. Later, a wonderful lady who I had the pleasure to meet, trained me more; then put me to work giving readings for her and several of her psychic friends. Believe me, I was very nervous giving readings to professional psychics. It was frightening, as I still did not completely believe in myself as a psychic counselor. Another wonderful lady, who had come into my life told me, rather frankly, “If you do not give professional readings, which you know you can, I am going to come over to your house and beat you over the head with a broomstick”. After laughing, the light went on and I realized that she lit a fire under me. Now for many years I have been a professional psychic reader. I am so blessed with wonderful clients who come into my life. They honor me by giving me the privilege to come into their lives to read for them or help them connect with their own angels. My goal is to assist everyone on this planet to connect with their angels. Can you imagine what a wonderful planet Earth would be if we all checked our angels before we took actions?

My daughter, Chana Michele, was born 2/6/72 at 2:49pm, in Long Beach, CA. She shares the same birthday with Ronald Reagan, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Bob Marley, Natalie Cole, and Fabian Forte. That gives you an idea of part of her personality. Whew!!! She is an only child and quite spoiled (now, I wonder who did that?). Chana is a professional chef, she has been cooking since she was about 5yrs. old. I am very proud of her, except when her cooking goes on my hips (LOL).
Chana is very psychic herself, which made it quite difficult to stay one step ahead of her when she was growing up. ; )
In Feb. ’98 Chana decided to make some huge changes in her life. She moved from San Diego to Colorado. She was tired of working in hot kitchens. So now works in Colorado Springs at Mountain Mama’s, a health food store. She has become a walking encyclopedia of herbs and their benefits. She lives in a place called Manitou Springs, Colorado, which is right outside Colorado Springs. There she has found such happiness and a lot of cold, which she is not accustomed to. She does however, miss the view of the ocean from our home in San Diego. Chana also found a wonderful guy, Bill, who is her equal. They are engaged, but no wedding date is planned as of yet.

There are certain people that come into our lives who become like family. I have been blessed with many of those. Around 1985 or ’86 a gentleman, who was one of my neighbors, came into my life and is still very much like a sometimes overly protective brother. We have seen each other through some rough times and, thank God, mostly through great times. We have watched each other’s daughters grow up, laughed with each other and cried with each other. Now, I want to honor him on my site. He is Chuck Muncie, the former San Diego Charger. Chuck has a wonderful organization that helps kids turn their lives around. I hope you visit his site and possibly become a sponsor. Please tell him that I sent you. To visit him just click on his photo.

I send you love.
Rev.Cassandra Anaya, PhD. (email)
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