- Definitions of Clairvoyant:
1 – Having the supernatural power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision.
2 – Quick, intuitive knowledge of things and people.
3 – Literal definition: clair; defined as ‘clear’; & voyance or voyant defined as ‘seeing’.
Thus, I clairvoyantly tell you what I see around you such as: your finances; love life; career; and relationships.
My fees are:
15 minutes – $30.00
30 minutes – $60.00
45 minutes – $90.00
60 minutes – $120.00
A limited number of lower-cost appointments are made available monthly to those who are in financial crisis. And of course, a portion goes to charity, as does all my income.
Please make sure that you read and understand our policies.
I send you love.
Rev.Cassandra Anaya, Ph.D. (email)
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