
Circle of Light – Currency Converter

Circle of Light – Currency Converter   I want to convert… this amount enter any amount of this type of currency USD United States DollarsEUR EuroCAD Canada DollarsGBP United Kingdom PoundsDEM Germany Deutsche MarksFRF France FrancsJPY Japan YenNLG Netherlands GuildersITL Italy LiraCHF Switzerland FrancsDZD Algeria DinarsARP Argentina PesosAUD Australia DollarsATS Austria SchillingsBSD Bahamas DollarsBBD Barbados

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It is my deepest honor and privilege to be invited into your life. ; ) Thank You. MariaSuzonne, my administrator, will contact you very soon regarding your reading. Or you can email her at [email protected] I send you love. Return to Psychic Reading Image and content Copyright by Circle of Light. All rights reserved.

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MY BELIEF I wrote this when I was about 16 yrs old      In my youth, I conceived the universe as perfect and devoid of evil. I pictured a joyous world free of suffering, a world of enlightenment, not flawed by ignorance, a world of progress that abhorred corruption. Justice and wisdom lived side-by-side in this

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