
Capricorn Lucky Days

Introduction to Capricorn and Gambling In the shimmering world of astrology, each star sign is believed to hold its own unique traits and potentials, including the prospects of luck in various aspects of life. Capricorns, those born between December 22nd and January 19th, are often characterized by their driven and ambitious nature. Practical and focused, […]

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Circle of Light’s Interactive Astrology – US State Abbreviations

The IMPORTANCE of an ACCURATE BIRTH TIME IN ASTROLOGY Your birth time is of the most critical importance in the calculation of a correct birth chart. With the birth time the astrologer (or program) is able to locate the planets in relationship to their position around the earth, most notably the relationship of the planets

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Astrological Sun Signs

Astrological Sun Signs For a very accurate psychic reading channeled by three angels, click the angel March 21 – April 19 Your Most Likeable traits: Courage, Natural Leader & an Exciting Doer SYMBOL: The Ram (Assertive, sexual, able to climb to great heights) ANGEL: Machidiel Ruling Planet: Mars Element: Fire Represented by: The Ram Dominant

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Natal Report

Circle of Light’s Interactive Astrology Natal Report For an indepth psychic reading channeled by three angels, click the angel Please enter your CORRECT & COMPLETE Email address: Type of Chart: FREE Chart Language: English Spanish Database: Cosmic Patterns Zodiac: Tropical Sidereal Birth Information (any name you choose) Birth Date : JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 0123 0123456789 , 12

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Daily Lunar Transit

Circle of Light’s Interactive Astrology Daily Lunar Transit For an indepth psychic reading channeled by three angels, click the angel This form will provide Free Lunar Transits for a day. Please specify the day at the Starting Day prompt below. In order to avoid entering your birthdata andd e-mail address each time, you may want

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