Natal Report

Circle of Light’s Interactive Astrology

Natal Report

For an indepth psychic reading channeled by three angels, click the angel

Please enter your
Email address:

Type of Chart:




Birth Information

(any name you choose)

Birth Date


Birth Time:


Don’t know? Click Here

(Try 12:00 PM for a “natural” chart)

Birth State or Country Abbreviation:
(2 letters like CA or NY) or (Country Codes)

Birth City:

Please do not fill in the following fields if the city and country has been successfully located in the fields above.

Latitude: (example: 42N19)

Longtitude: (example: 85W11)

Click here to go to a searchable index to locate your Lat/Long
coordinates. Instructions: Input your city name in the
Keyword Search Field. A report of each city with that name will be returned to you. Identify your correct city and copy
the “Location” coordinates. Enter them in the fields above.

Time Zone: (example: 8 for CA, or -1 for GER, – sign required for Eastern Hemisphere time zones)

If you would like to forward this report to yourself or a friend,
please input the CORRECT & COMPLETE E-mail address here:

We strongly suggest you review your input data before you choose to submit it. If you have accidently input any of the above
fields incorrectly Circle of Light will not be able to credit to your credit card if you have a Subscription Account. Errors
due to system or delivery problems from our end will be promptly credited and you will recieve, free of charge, the report you were attempting
to access. ~Thank You.

You may or

For an indepth psychic reading channeled by three angels, click the angel

animated heart
I send you love.

email gif

Rev.Cassandra Anaya, Ph.D. (email)

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