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Jon renamed this to Mebahia Winter Angel

A’albiel – An angel in service of the archangel Michael.
Abariel – An angel in ceremonial magic tracts, used for invoking. His named is also found inscribed on the second pentacle of the moon.
Abdiel – The Angel of Negotiation.
Abel (Meadow) – Souls arrive in Heaven and are judged by Abel. He is one of 12 Powers with this task. He is angel of the fourth Heaven ruling on the Lord’s Day. He must be invoked from the East. (See Abraham 13:11)
Achaiah – He is a Seraphim, the angel of patience and discoverer of the secrets of nature. In the New Testament Achaiah is a Roman Province. Paul visited the churches in that region. (Act 18:12, 27)
Adnachiel – Adnachiel (translation “The Shining One”) is the ‘angel of humility’ and is one of the two angels ruling the order of angels. Adnachiel holds dominion over the sun sign, Sagittarius & the month of November. Those who were born under this sign or in the month of November can pray to Adnachiel for special protection and blessings. Additionally those born under the sun sign Sagittarius can pray to Uriel, who also has dominion over Sagittarius.We can all pray to Adnachiel for the spirit gifts of independence, honesty and gregariousness.
Adnarel – Adnarel means “My Lord is God” and he also holds dominion over the season of Winter.
Af Bri – An angel who exercises control over rain.
Afriel – Traditional angelic lore informs us that this being of light safe-guards young life. Also considered to be protective of that which is youthful and tenderly growing within each of us, no matter how old we actually are. Afriel is believed to grant youth, vigor and vitality and is prayed to for these gifts and attributes.
Aftiel – The angel of twilight.
Aha – An angel of the order of dominations, a spirit of fire used in cabalistic magical operations.
Aira – The Angel of Police.
Akrasiel – See Raziel.
Alimon – A great prince who, when invoked, protects the invocant from gunshot wounds and from sharp instruments. His aids are the angels Reivtip and Tafthi.
Amabael – Amabael holds dominion over the season of Winter; under the governing of Falas (the governor of Spring) and Attarib (the governor of Winter is approaching). He also acts in association with Catarari (Ctarati).
Amatiel – Amatiel holds dominion over the season of Spring; under the governing of Talvi (the governor of Spring) and Spugliguel (the governor of Spring is approaching). We appeal to this renewing angel to plant the seeds of hope, rebirth, new beginnings and positive expectations in our hearts and minds.
Ambriel (aka Almbriel) – This angel inspires clear communication so that we might better speak our own truth, while gently guiding human beings toward a time when truth and clarity will be the universal norm. Ambriel is also considered to be an angel of general protection. Ambriel presides over those born in the month May. Along with Metatron and his twin Sandaphon Ambriel preside over the sun sign of Gemini. Those born in May can pray to pray to Ambriel for special blessings and protection. And those born under Gemini can pray to Ambriel, Metatron and/or Sandalphon for special blessings and protection.
Anael – See Hanael.
Anahel – He is one of the many guards of the west wind. He is from the third heaven, yet resides in the fourth heaven.
Ananiel – One of many angels governing and guarding the south wind.
Anauel – Presides over banks, merchants, stock brokers, and all forms of commerce.
Anfial – One of the 64 angel wardens of the celestial halls.
Angels of Childbirth – There are 70 amulet angels invoked at childbirth.
Angels of Prayer – The seven angels who convey the prayers of the saints to our creator. Akatriel, Gabriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Sizouse and Michael.
Angels of the Mansions of the Moon – There are 28 angels ruling the 28 Mansions of the Moon.
Angels of the 12 Months – There are angels for each month of the year.
Angels of the Week – Each day of the week is governed by its own angel.
Angels of the Zodiac – There are twelve angels that oversee each zodiac sign.
Angels of the Seasons – There are Governing and Serving Angels of the Four Seasons.
Angels of Sunday – Sunday is influenced by the Sun. Michael is the primary Angel of Sunday, but each hour of this day also has its secondary angel. These angels are, beginning with the 1st hour…….Michael, Anael, Raphael, Gabriel, Cassiel, Sachiel, Samael, Michael, Anael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Cassiel. Some Angels do double duty on this day!
Angels Of Winter – Ctarari, Amabael and Certari. The head angel is Altrib. or (Attaris)
Angerecton – An angel invoked in magical rites, specifically in the invocation of fumigation.
Aniel – One of the numerous angelic guards of the gates of the West wind.
Anitor – A high holy angel, invoked in magical rites after proper investiture by the invocant.
Anixiel – One of the 28 angels governing the 28 mansions of the moon.
Anthriel – This is an angel of balance and harmony we appeal to Anthriel to help us stay on an even keel, leading our lives with moderation. Anthriel helps us stay calm at all times. Those who become easily off-centered and filled with anxiety pray to Anthriel for balance.
Aquariel – This perfect being opens the doors of perception to mortals who pray to him. Aquariel inspires humankind with transcendent and cosmic understanding so that we may spiritually evolve.
Arariel (Azareel, Uzziel) – Curer of stupidity and one of the 7 angels with dominion over the earth. Arariel is specifically an angel who presides over the waters of the earth (according to the Talmudists). He is invoked by fishermen so that they may, with luck, catch big fish.
Arbatel – A “revealing” angel.
Archer – A governing spirit of the sign Aquarius.
Archons (Rulers) – Angels set over nations and identified or equated with aeons. Archons are primordial planetary spirits. Other archons are Uriel, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Shauil and Cassiel.
Ardarnel – The governing angel of the season Autumn. Ardarnel also works with Torquaret, the governing angel of the sign that Autumn is approaching. Their serving angels are Tarquam & Guabarel.
Ardouisur – A female cherub. Among her attributes are making females prolific and giving them easy childbirth, also supplying them with breast milk. She is sometimes called “the giver of living water”.
Ardousius – Traditional angelic lore tells us that this angel is a female angel who is believed to help and protect during childbirth and who also inspires breast milk to flow. Pray to her for nurturing love.
Arias – Angel of sweet smelling herbs.
Ariel – His name means “Lion of God”. Ranked as one of the seven princes who rule the waters. Also, known as Earth’s Great Lord and angel of beasts. He is the angel who presides over the weekday of Friday and along with Verchiel preside over those born unther the sun sign of Cancer. He also rules the planet Venus, is the protector of the home, and also works with Raphael, the healing angel.
Asasiel – Angel of Thursday, who shares his rule with Sachiel and Cassiel. Assasiel is also one of the presiding spirits of the planet Jupiter.
Ashriel – One of the seven angels with dominion over the earth. He is the angel that seperates the soul from the body at the time of death. He can also be invoked to cure stupidity.
Asmodel – His name representing the model as to ‘model after someone or something’. Asmodel is angel of Taurus, along with Zadkiel. Asmodel also presides over those born in April.
Assiel – Angel of healing.
Ataphiel – An angel who supports heaven with three fingers.
Atel – An angel of the fourth heaven. Also an angel of the air ruling on the lord’s day evoked from the East.
Athanatos – A conjuring spirit of the planet Mercury. name of the god used to discover hidden treasure and in the cabala, a spirit invoked on the general citations of Moses, Aaron and Solomon.
Attarib – The governing angel of the sign that Winter is approaching. Attarib works with Farlas, the governing angel of Winter. Their serving angels are Amabael & Catarari (Ctarati).
Atuesuel – One of eight angels of omnipotence. He is invoked to “smoke out the monsters of hell.”
Auriel (Light of God) – One of 72 angels of 72 quinaries of degrees of the zodiac. Invoked in conjuration of the sword.
Azariah – The Angel of Restitution.
Azer – Angel of the element fire.
Azrael – An archangel, whose name means “Whom God Helps”, is the angel of death. He is more than the Everlasting Life, he is the Patron Angel of the Clergy.
Bahram– Angel of victory
Baradiel – He is the ruler of the second heaven and the ruler of hail. He makes sure we continually have the power to keep our “Free Will” in tact.
Barakiel – See Barchiel
Barbiel – See Barchiel
Barbuel – See Barchiel
Barchiel – This benevolent one grants success, good fortune and excellent luck to mortals who pray to him. He also inspires joviality and a sense of humor. When we pray to this angel on a regular basis, we find that we become filled with happiness, our hearts expand, and we make a space for this angel of good fortune to enter. His other names are Babiel, Barbuel, Baradiel, and Baruel. Barchiel presides over those born in February or October, and along with Camael presides over those born under the Sun Sign Scorpio. He also, along with Raphael preside over those born under the sign of Pisces.
Bariel – The angel whose name is inscribed upon the fourth pentacle of Saturn. He is also one of the rulers of the eleventh hour of the day.
Barpharanges – An angel in charge of the spring of waters of life. He is the angel of the baptismal.
Baruel – See Barakiel or Barchiel
Bathor – One of seven Olympian spirits, known as stewards or electors of heaven.
Blaef – A Friday angel of the air and subject to the west wind.
Boel (God Is In Him) – One of the seven exalted throne angels, resident in the first heaven. Boel holds the four keys to the four corners of the earth. He governs the planet Saturn as well.

{A to B} {C to G} {H to L} {M to O} {P to R} {S to T} {U to Z}

I send you love.

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All info on these angels pages gleaned from:
1- To Ride A Silver Broomstick – Silver RavenWolf
2- The Magus, A Complete System of Occult Philosophy, Book 1&2 – Francis Barrett
3- Ask Your Angels – Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie & Andrew Ramer
4- Dictionary of Angels – Gustav Davidson
5- The Sacred Magic of the Angels – David Goddard
6- Though mostly what I’ve learned from my personal angels and the angels I work with.
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