Angel Reconnection Reviews and Spells & Ritual Reviews |

Cassandra has been doing regular readings for me for several years. She is very accurate with me. I have readings done every 3 weeks and she is right on every time. She is like an guardian angel to me. Without her guidance I don’t know where I would be. She has been through ups and downs with me and is very special to me. She is truly a blessed and talented woman. I RECOMMEND HER TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN A READING. SHE IS INCREDIBLE!!!I Willamina H. I was looking for a psychic & found a lot of sites and got very confused as to who to choose. On your faq page you talked about finding a psychic, who has credibility and how long they have been online. You even gave info on how to find their longevity. I bookmarked the site and impressed by your longevity and your testimonials. So I ordered an in person reading. The things you told me were right on and impressed me. You helped me a lot. I’ll be back. Ruby F. Rev. C, I have had numerous readings from you over the years and each has helped me. I have never said thank on your site and wanted to do it today. If anyone is reading this and considering a reading with Rev. Cassandra do not hesitate; she is the real deal. She is kind, considerate, and caring; not to mention her readings will really help you. Take if from me, a guy, who had is first reading with her 7 years ago and still turn to her at least 4 times a year and in between when I feel the need. Cassandra, you are the best!! MariaSuzonne, I know Rev. Cassandra is busy and I don’t want to disturb her. Please pass my message to her and know it is for you, also. I know my circumstance were complicated and I am so grateful for the time you both have taken in answering the many questions I asked. Your generosity has been beyond what most businesses are willing to give. You are both kind, considerate and treated me graciously. The reading I finally ordered was amazing. So detailed and clearly has helped me onto the right path in life. I’m sure I’ll need you again and am so glad you’ll be there for me. Again thank you, I met Rev. Cassandra several years ago, when my life was at it’s low. With honest and accurate readings, plus her caring nature was something I could feel from the start. There were days that I wanted to give up with life. But with her help, prayers and talking to me, slowly life seemed important to me again. Not only her honest readings, she is there for you. She always gave me wise advice, yet not telling me what to do. Taking some of her advice, I met the man of my dreams, and am now happily married. I feel she is 99.9999999% accurate, not many readers are able to read with this much accuracy. She has become more than a reader in my life, a friend or even better a confidant. I’m truly blessed to have met her. God Bless, Rev. Cassandra and MariaSuzonne, I just want you to know how much I appreciate all you have done to help me. My life is so much better now and I couldn’t be more happy. Thank you. With much love, Thanks MariaSuzonne, Reverend Cassandra’s reading arrived as promised. And as you stated previously, I was definitely not disappointed. Ever since I learned of Edgar Cayce at 17, I’ve been interested in those who are intuitive, the science of psi, and modern physics as it relates to consciousness. And I’ve had many readings, most of which are entertaining but little else (though I had not had one in about ten years). The email reading from Cassandra packed incredible punch for the length. And there is nothing in it which gives me the least doubt about her abilities. Because of that, and because I’ll be traveling through San Diego in July, I’d like to inquire as to her availability for a in-person reading. I will arrive at my hotel early to mid-afternoon on Friday, July 14th. And I will be departing Monday morning, July 17th. If she has any slots available, please let me know. And if she has more than one, please advise as well. I will be traveling with my sister and her kids and I would like to get a reading for her as well if Reverend Cassandra is available. Thanks again and . . . Warmest Regards, Rev. Cassandra, You’re good, really really good. I’ll come to you again. Hello Cassandra – I just wanted to send you this email and thank you, the angels and spirit guides for your insight. I’ll need to read this again and again. I must admit that I had another reading but, I received much more clarity in this reading. I felt loved and cared for. Donna C. Rev. Cassandra, I came on a business trip with my friend last week. Niel and I both had a reading with you. I had never been to a psychic before and Niel said “since she has been on the internet for 10 yrs she must be pretty good with her gift”. I disagree with him; you are VERY good with your gift. It was like you could see into my soul and show me how I could walk an easier path in life. And I’ll never be skeptical again. Also, I am very glad I got to meet you and will have the opportunity to get readings by phone or Skype. Thank you. Rev. Cassandra, I had the distinct pleasure to have an in person reading with you when I was visiting San Diego last week ago. I don’t think I have ever been so impressed by a psychic before in my life and I’ve gone to quite a few. Thank you for sharing your gift with me to enhance my life. I’ll be forever grateful. Dear Rev. Cassandra, I received my reading this morning, I printed it off and have already read it through twice. I cried throughout the first reading with an immense off loading of pent up emotion. I cannot even begin to tell you how much you, the angels and spirit guides have helped me. I know now exactly where to turn in a crisis. I feel happier and more focused than I have in many months. Much love, I had my first reading with you the other day and am happy to say that my wife asked me to sit down with a counselor. I pretty sure she had been cheating on me, but couldn’t prove it. So I turned to you for a reading. You said she had been cheating on me with her college boyfriend. When I told her exactly who she was cheating with she confessed and said she never got closure with him. I just flat told her I feel that is NOT an excuse to cheat. I also told her the marriage was over if she didn’t get into counseling with me. She agreed. Hopefully as you pointed out she will realize she had closure with him when he broke up with her; it just wasn’t the closure she wanted, but she can’t get everything she wants, can she? That was so wise of you to say. Thank you and thank you for being so kind and gentle with my nervousness. The following was left in the private area of my guest book & with permission put here: On Thu Aug 8 21:12:38 CDT 2002 Vallejo, CA Wrote : Helllloooo C! 🙂 it’s me Rey! it’s been quite awhile since we’ve spoken. you’ve been thought about and missed. just decided visit your website, and I have to tell you it is even better than before! as I was reading some of the other guestbook entries, I couldn’t help but be a little tickled at their reactions to your website. this website has so much of your genuineness (is that a word?), honesty and love resonating from it that people have a hard time articulating just how good it makes them feel! 🙂 I have been meaning for so, so long now to get in touch with you to just say “Hi!” a lot of things that we spoke about in my readings with you have already come to pass (no surprise there) and some are just on the horizon. I wanted to also write a little testimonial (something my angels/spirit guides seemed to keep telling me to do for quite some time now) for you, not that you need it! 😉 anyway here goes: oh, p.s. hi to MariaSuzonne all of your family! xoxo, Rey Dear everyone, I endured many hardships during the years of 1998 and 1999, the passing of loved ones, financial hardship and the dissolution of my marriage. It was right about September or October of 1999, while I was going through my divorce, that the life paths of myself and Rev. Cassandra Anaya intersected. (I know now that this was not some mere chance meeting, God sends us angels in a physical form, too, y’know! 😉 ) At that point in my life, I could not have felt any lower, any worse about myself, or any more miserable about life in general then I did at that time. my very first reading with Cassandra was a definite eye-opener. she hit the nail on the head with, well everything. she was totally honest and very genuine with me, telling me things I didn’t necessarily want to hear at the time, but I knew in my gut that what she was saying was true. (she foresaw that my wife at the time and I would not reconcile, which we didn’t. I’ve since been reunited with my “twin flame” , we have a beautiful son together, and I’m a much, much happier person now than I was back then, and I’m sure my ex is too!) Now, let me tell you I have always been a spiritual person. I always believed in the gifts that people like Cassandra had and have, and I could look at the “big picture” of things spiritually, before Cassandra came into my life, but it was a bit foggy and hazy. The impact that my first reading, and subsequent readings with her had on my life were and are still quite astounding and immeasurable. my own intuition/spirituality has been taken to levels I never even knew existed, and I am continuing to learn more all the time. even life’s hardships do not affect me in the way they used to. I see things in different light now, so much more clearly. Forget those 1-900 or 1-800 “pseudo-psychics”, they just want your money, I’ve tried them, and I’m sure many of you out there have too. Rev. Cassandra Anaya is anything but pseudo. she’s the real deal. She helped me to confirm the fact that I am very empathic (something I’m still learning to deal with). there are really no words to describe her sincerity and honestly, her love for people the love of her “job”. Rey, thank you for such a beautiful heartfelt testimonial. Though you know you could have emailed me directly. *S* Congratulations on the great success your life has come since we first met. You really deserve the best in life and I guess you know that or you would not have manifested it. : ) i spoke with her once last year around this time. I felt last year her voice was something that i needed and her reading & advice was well appreciated and accurate. She was able to penetrate through my skepticism of those who capitalize off others confusion through the psychic…(you should know that it doesn’t mean that i don’t believe, just that i have found others who misused their gift. i am glad she doesn’t). I went to Rev. Cassandra 2.5 years ago when I was in deep emotional pain after a break-up with my boyfriend, who was my friend first. I liked Rev. Cassandra and after my interaction with MariaSuzonne, I felt like I could trust both her and Rev. Cassandra. I actually ran into that ex-boyfriend 3 months ago after not being in contact with him for almost 3 years, and surprisingly that encounter re-established our friendship. I really think the relationship was reconciled because of my initial contact with Rev. Cassandra telling me of him coming back into my life. She also cautioned me to keep it only as friends this time, which I intend to do and apparently so does he. Our friendship is to valuable to screw it up again. Dear Rev. Cassandra, I wish to thank you so much for the insights you gave me in this reading. It certainly fills in some parts of the “puzzle” of my life path at this time and enlightens many parts which were obscure for me before ( I really was not aware that my guidance and angels are thinking so “high” of me :0) ). Lots of blessings, Thank you very much for this reading. It means a great deal to me to have your guidance, especially since you came recommended from a very trusted source. My friend Josie said she has never had a reading with you yet, but has friends who have and highly suggested I have you read for me. Ryan K. I would like to thank you for the wonderful reading. I felt you were indeed aware of many things & very diplomatic about how you approached some of the more sensitive issues I’ve been dealing with. I feel encouraged about the better times ahead for both myself & my husband. And I feel blessed by your angels & amp; mine who assisted you in the reading. Again, it was my honor to have had a reading with you today. God Bless. I feel as though your gift is definitely of God. I also feel that you told me what I need to hear, not necessarily what I wanted to hear. The ANGEL reading is so DIRECT and inspiring and comforting and personalized that it gives me great great happiness…..I cannot thank you ENOUGH for that part!!!!! I am getting a much clearer picture and your advice is RIGHT ON! PERFECT and I thank you so so much, Rev. Cassandra…You have helped me SO MUCH! Thank you for this third session with all the Angels…I absolutely believe all you have said and thank you and will be back (and think of you in the meantime) and wish you and Lovely Madame Souliere both good days and much love….Til Soon! Holly P. Dear Rev. Cassandra, Yours sincerely Thanks very much for the reading it was very informative for me, I liked the way my children were described, I think it suits them very well. I thank you again, hopes for the new 2002 are very strong and I feel confident of obtaining my goals. Annie M. I would like to thank you for taking the time for giving me a reading. I would like you to know what you said were the words I needed to hear. It gave me a better understanding as I move ahead on my lifes journey! You also hit the nail on the head when you spoke about my children.!! I thank you Rev. Cassandra, your Spirit Guides, and Angels for helping me. Thank you for giving me the messages. I send you love and light. Blessings Rev. Cassandra, I’ve been getting reading from you since 1997 and have been very pleased. I just wanted to write a testimony of how much I appreciate you helping me with so many life changing and not life changing situations in my life with your endearing guidance. Dear Cassandra, First of all Thank you for the generous reading yesterday. When I received my first few readings I was very skeptical about psychics and Angels. I didn’t really know what my beliefs were in that regard. I didn’t understand how it all worked. For example, how you communicated with the Angels, if the Angels were correct, and then what was I suppose to do with the information that I received. However, with a little more research and the incredible readings that you have given me my skepticism has begun to diminish. Rev. Cassandra, the blessed one, You have truly given me such hope, such inspiration and such an incredible psychic reading. Thank you and please thank your angels for their help, also. You given both my husband and myself readings for about the last two years. Well, a few mths ago you helped me connect to my angels and then last mth my husband connected with his. I can not tell you how happy we are. Our communication has gotten better with each other; we are now more of a family with our children; and we are all more involved in a church. Thank you so much for being there when we thought we were headed for divorce. I had never had a reading before and was very nervous. You immediately knew I was nervous and helped me feel so calm with your caring. Then you gave me the most amazing reading I could have possibly imagined. That was 2 weeks ago and I’m still just amazed by your accuracy. It was like you could see inside my head and heart and helped me get back on track. I am following your advice and have never felt so positive about myself and life. Thank you for all you did. I will let all my family and friends know how magnificent you are and that you are the real deal. Oh, thank you a million times over. You helped me so much get back on track. I am still in tears of joy to know how much I am loved by the Universe and God. Thank you for opening me up to realize that God did not turn His back on me. I am still astounded by the things that you told me. No one could have known some of those things and yet you did. I certainly will tell my friends and let them know how sincere and honest you are. I could not have chosen a better psychic. Thank you so much for who you are and using what God has given you to help others. Your information and inspiration to me at this time is worth so much to me. Ruth K. Rev. Cassandra If anyone is looking for an amazing reader Rev. Cassandra is the psychic I’d recommend! This wasn’t my first reading with her. However on the first reading the first thing I asked her was how accurate she was. She told me “in the late 1960s I was tested and found to be 87% accurate. Yet now that I am doing psychic readings daily and as a professional I’m probably more accurate. However, neither myself or any psychic is 100% accurate simply because people have ‘free will’ to choose which paths they wish to walk’. I shall open some doors for you to see things more clearly and then you can choose what to do next”. With that kind of honesty I knew I could trust her. And I have for the past seven years. Yes I’ve been getting readings from her ever since she has been online and have never regretted it. Neither have the friends and my family members I’ve sent to her. Folks she is the real deal. Just don’t expect sugar coating as she won’t tell you what you want to hear unless it is 100% TRUTH!!! Rev. Cassandra, I liked this site the first time I went to it. My wife and myself decided to have a reading with Rev. Cassandra Anaya. She was quite accurate in all areas of our lives. She gave us clear info about a situation that we are going through. I have recommended her to my family. I have never in my life had a reading from a psychic who was so gifted. Not only that you are a very loving person who really believes that we are all brothers and sister on Earth. Keep up the wonderful work and thank you so much. I will be back. Rev. Cassandra, What a wonderful reading I had with you a few days ago. You helped me understand some of the hell I’ve been going through and how to see the silver lining of this dark cloud. Even though it has only been a few days I’ve felt so much better with your suggestions. I used a couple of them and saw instant results, much to my surprise. I’ll keep you posted of my progress as you asked. Thank you for being such a kind woman. You are my idea of a “Great Lady”. This was the second reading I’d ever had in my life and far better than the first, which was bologna. In my reading with Rev. Cassandra she said I’d be changing jobs for one that I’d like far better and one that is something I’ve always wanted to do.Two weeks after the reading I received a phone call from an airlines I’d been trying to go to work for since 1994. I got the job I’ve wanted since I was a kid. She predicted a few other things also and I’ll wait to see what happens with them. Even if nothing else you predicted comes true the job at the airlines of my choice alone was worth it all. Thank you and I’ll recommend you to anyone looking for a TRUE PSYCHIC. I had never had a psychic reading before, but a friend talked me into having one just for fun. You did my reading by email and upon reading it I now will never doubt anyone’s psychic abilities. You blew me away. After going through much confusion on the direction to take in life, I contacted you. I was so impressed with my reading that I will be contacting you again. Thank you for helping me to know what direction to take. There are so many psychics on the internet that I was a bit confused as to who to choose. Then I came to your very loving, spiritual site and decided you were the psychic I wanted to have a reading with. I was so overwhelmed by the reading I received and your accuracy that I have told all my friends. Thank you so much for being there for us. Rev. Cassandra, After my first reading and all the accuracy you had regarding me and my life I decided it was time to have my second reading; I wanted to wait for results from the first reading to see if I’d get another. As you could tell today I did get another reading and can’t wait for the results of it. You are so good at what you do that now, I will be telling many people about you and letting them know of my experiences. I had such an incredible reading. Right from the beginning Rev. Cassandra made me feel very comfortable. She gave me accurate information about my situation and what to do about it. I know she will be there whenever I need her. I highly recommend her! ![]() Psychic Reading Reviews – 2015 to 2016 Psychic Reading Reviews – 2013 to 2014 Psychic Reading Reviews – 2007 to 2012 Psychic Reading Reviews – 2000 to 2006 Psychic Reading Reviews – 1993 to 1999 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() For currency exchange rates New York Federal Reserve ![]() I send you love.
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