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I can’t thank you enough for the conversation we had during my reading. It was one of the best spiritual and emotional experiences I’ve ever had. I knew there must have been a reason I found you and I’m so grateful for the insight you’ve given me. I look forward to talking to you in the future.
I usually have negative thoughts, but I could only concentrate on the positive when we were talking.
I truly believe you are a great psychic, and a wonderful person. It is my pleasure to know you.

May God Bless you more and more,



November 26, 1999

Thank you so much for sending the reading again. I needed confirmation that everything I know to be true really is true and not some imaginative or romanticized notion of mine. I don’t believe because I need to believe, I believe because I was given the great blessing of seeing and knowing and connecting.
The universe keeps moving to help me along, and after a time of emotional turmoil and physical challenge I was led to you for a huge cosmic hug, and for words of comfort. God bless you for the work that you do, for using your tremendous gift, for sharing of your beautiful self, for striving to educate.
I will work to be of service myself, to be surrounded by beauty so that I may tap into and channel the beauty and love of the creator and share it with others.


Elizabeth C.

September 23, 1999

Dearest Cassandra,
I wanted to tell you that everything that you saw in our reading last February has come to pass and right on the schedule that you predicted. I am most pleasantly surprised and yet knew that you knew what you were talking about.
Thank you so much for being there for all those like me.


August 30, 1999

Dear Rev. Cassandra
I came to you for a reading to see if you could connect with my mother who has passed on. I must tell you that I had a lot of doubt about your capabilities and yet I was incredibly shocked when you talked about the blue pin that she wore all the time. She loved that pin and was even buried with it. There is just no way that you could have known about that pin unless you had truly connected with her. I thank you so much for letting me talk to her as it put my mind to rest in getting answers to so much that my family did not understand.
You are truly a beacon of light in God’s world and I know He shines down on you for all that you have done for us and the others who ask for readings from you.

God bless you.

Anita, Bryan, Bob and Carol S.

August 2, 1999

Rev. Cassandra,
I came to you with many questions that both myself and my wife had and you answered them with great accuracy. You even went beyond what we were questioning and told us of things that we were not even aware of until you brought them up and assisted us to move beyond our limitations.
You are certainly heaven sent. Thank you.

William & Kathleen B.

June 17, 1999

Dear Cassandra,

Thank you for my reading – you hit the bull’s eye on many things! It is a wonderful tool to help me plan my journey and be attuned to the future.
May your light always be strong.

Cassie (Cassandra)

February 27, 1999

Dear Rev. Cassandra, I wanted to email you regarding the reading that I received from you, yesterday and tell you that it was such a wonderful experience to hear all that you told me. I hope that it is correct as my life would be so much better. You gave me hope and I was so happy to find out that I was on the right path in several things that I am trying to do to build my business. Thank you.

In gratitude,


February 9, 1999

With only this first-time reading, you have really put my mind at ease and restored my optimism for life. You have literally shed a light on issues that were clouding my own intuition and decision-making. In certain cases all I needed was a reassurance about my own “hunches”, which you have also given me.

Kaori N.

January 27, 1999

Merry Christmas Rev. Cassandra and MariaSuzonne,

You have been giving me readings for 5 years now & I apologize for not writing a recommendation about you before. In all these years you have never been wrong. 3 times the 1st year you told me a guy was wrong for me, but I went ahead anyway only to find out you were right. Since then I’ve paid close attention to your words. As you know two and a half years ago I met such an amazing guy, who you immediately said “you just met a guy & he’s the one”. We were married 18 months after we met & are now expecting twins; you said “you are doubly blessed”. I agree. All these years you have been a blessing and will continue to be so.

Thank you,

Paulette B.

December 12, 1998

When I decided to look for a psychic I was confused as there are many on the net. However, I came to your site and saw the love, peace and kindness. So after having a reading with you I know that I will not ever go to another psychic. You abilities are amazing and I am happy you are here to help people like me. thank you.

Richard G.

October 31, 1998

I appreciate your gifts so much. I can not express my gratitude for all you have helped me with. Thank you, Cassandra,

Maria S.

August 26, 1998

I just wanted to let you know and thank-you for helping turn my Light back on… don’t what adventures are in store but somehow I CAN DO IT again!!!
I have not felt this great in such a LONG time and it feels wonderful!!! I can finally see and feel it again and I am so grateful to you for your assistance…I do not ever want to get that close absolute despair again. I am so glad to feel like me again …I know it always gets better!!!
Thank-you so very much for helping to show me the path I came very close to losing … I will keep you posted on the better things that ARE coming!!! Thank-you that is very kind of you & without your help don’t think it would have happened!!!

Ruth aka snobrd

June 30, 1998

Rev. Cassandra, it is great appreciation I send this email to you. I want to thank you so much for the reading you gave me. I have had dozens of readings throughout my life and found someone, who I trusted, but sadly she passed away. Then I had to start over again finding the right psychic. After a few years and a lot of disappointments I have now found you. Your readings are genuine, and have turned out to be right on the money. As I told you on the phone I get reading 3 or 4 times a year and you WILL hear from me again and again. Thank you for being there.

Katie P.

February 12, 1998

I do want to tell anybody else, I have been corresponding off and on with you for about two years now, and you have always been sweet and helpful with your insights and sometimes at no cost to me, just because you cared………I have been very worried and down over our relationship and whenever I asked for prayers you have been there…….thank you,


San Francisco

November 3, 1997

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the timely information. I didn’t realize that I have been walking around with a broken heart for perhaps the last 6 years in a long term relationship. The first year was heaven. The last years – hell – not blaming my ex or not. “I wasn’t seeing the woods for the trees and I asked Cassandra for a reading sensing how great her depth of love and spirituality was being

1) totally genuine and
2) knowing the wisdom Cassandra held would be a major stepping stone that I needed to fully provide information and a true sense of what was really happening to me in a very up and down and hurtful relationship that I have devoted over 7 years to.

The reading has pointed me in the right direction to find the strength somewhere inside myself to promise myself as a child of God that I would never allow him or anyone else to hurt me like this ever again.”

Coming from a state of profound shock at the moment, after the regularity of being cared for, then hurt, ostracized, kept at arm’s length, up, down, any way he wanted to treat me without considering my feelings hardly at all, to the point of feeling nothing but pain, and many, many tears, the reality that I have been giving love to a person who cannot and does not love themselves, believe in the power of love or even God, or believe in commitment or marriage, allowing for a natural progressive growth and development of a loving relationship between 2 people.

Experiencing their pushing love away and simply trying to control it, the very man I wished to be my husband in this lifetime after spending over 7 years with him, the reading was completely accurate and reinforced exactly what virtually every friend has said to me for a long, long time seeing the way I have been let down. No, No, No, No more. I believe love conquers all but God never intended us to surrender our lives for either someone who is psychologically mixed up and is damaging you, an alcoholic or someone hooked on drugs. To see someone you truly loved turn from kind, loving and gentle to ruthless, cruel, heartless and selfish is an indicator of where to draw the line with love. God never wanted us to be hurt – any of us and this is what this reading has told me apart from not to trust blindly when people do not have your best interests at heart. Do not give pearls to dogs. They will never appreciate them.

Much more I cannot say. Except how utterly grateful I am to Cassandra, however painful this lesson is, it was urgently needed before I made a fatal mistake and committed my life to someone who truly couldn’t care whether I ended up in the gutter, alone and penniless, was ill, the rest. I found out I just could not rely on them to treat me correctly and that they would always let me down only giving me scraps of kindness on an intermittent basis, but never fully. The rest of the time, they did whatever they wanted, regardless of my feelings, and of course hid most things from me. Preventing decent communication between us, hiding things, blaming me for things, I could write a book on it.
I have grown. They have not, cannot. I will pray for them. That is all that is left to do.

Now I can move forward and accept my own power and freedom back in my life, find the sense of joy I lost, concentrate on building my life in a much stronger and stable way in all areas, and not trying to hold onto someone for the sake of it, so that I can build a life with someone who has no intention of ever doing that with me but on a firm footing forever. My idea of marriage, ‘two become one with individuality and respect maintained’ is not respected nor appreciated by this person which is what is the basis I feel of marriage. Love, devotion, commitment, joy, friendship, an ability to keep growing personally.It is unfair to me to even contemplate sharing my life with them any longer. My dreams may be shattered, but I could have wasted my life.

Cassandra, I am utterly grateful to you. Thank you & the angels and God of course. Many, many, many times over. God must be so proud of you.

Jenny M., Australia

July 4, 1997



BILL, West Virginia

September 4, 1996

NOTE: Bill Ehman is a musician/song writer. He has written a song and titled the album to honor Circle of Light, me, and the angels I channel. It has now been released on CD.
To hear a clip of the song go to: Circle of Light by Bill Ehman
Needless to say I am oh so flattered and honored. Thank you, Bill.

Cassandra, I just want to let you know I fully enjoyed the angel reading and am much more hopeful, in what’s in store for me and Ryan and you also gave some very helpful tips. I have always felt in my heart that me and Ryan have somehow been intertwined in another life, and there’s this strong connection, even though we are across seas. I surely hope that we are together real soon, and with the help of the angels, we will somehow find the time to be together.

thanks again

Geri N.

September 1, 1996

I’ve been thinking about what you said all day long. I thank God and my angels I ‘met’ you. I want you to know how much you helped me in just an hour. You’re absolutely right – there is no reason I can’t return to swimming! I can’t believe I’ve been letting tiredness (which will go away if I get up & DO something!) and some bumps on my skin keep me from returning to something I absolutely love! (Although my skin looks kind of ugly at the moment, why should I let my pride stop me from doing what I want?) Now that I’ve thought about it, how silly! I’ve been worrying about something so trivial! I just read an article on swimmer Tom Dolan. He has severe asthma, which has caused him to be hospitalized many times, but has he let that stop him from competing? No! And – I’m so lucky to be able-bodied, when there are people on this earth unable to walk! When I prayed this morning, after talking with you, I found my prayers have taken a different focus. I no longer pray to immediately be physically healed, but rather that I can love myself & be able to not let the negative judgements of others bother me.
I’m realistic, everything’s not going to be 100% better straight away, I have to work for it. I will still have problems in my life, like everybody, but I’ll get through them. Like you told me, God never gives us more than we can handle. And I may not be brave enough to get back in the pool tomorrow. But maybe the day after……Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you

Amanda S.

August 28, 1996

I have had 3 readings with Rev. Cassandra over the past 2 yrs and each time she just amazes me more. She has helped me so much to live the life I truly want to live. I almost didn’t get a 2nd one because I wasn’t sure the things she told me in the first were really going to happen. Apparently they did or I wouldn’t have gotten the second or third or will be back again. She is so great and rather direct, which I’ve come to appreciate.

Melissa N.

April 15, 1996

I decided to get a reading and talked to Rev. Cassandra yesterday. She is one psychic, who shocks you with her abilities in the nicest of ways. She said something about my childhood that was a very hurtful experience. Yet she immediately told me she wanted to talk to me more about it. I was at first resistant, but decided if she already knew about it what the heck. Her words flowed over me like a comforting blanket and all the hurt from 12 years ago was gone in just a matter of moments. She then went on to tell me that my hard work in school would pay off. This morning I found out I’ll be receiving a scholarship for the last 2 yrs of college. She’s good; really good.

Jill J.

February 29, 1996

I have to agree with all the recommendations I have read about Rev. Cassandra before paying for a reading. She honest, she is candid, she is right on with her predictions, and she really cares about people. Talking to her is like talking to a good family member. I’ll be back.

Barry L.

January 31, 1996

I’ve never been a believer in psychics and the few that I did try were bogus. Then I had a reading with you. I’m over my disbelief. Thank you for your time.

Bob O.

December 11, 1995


I hope you don’t mind my emailing you as I’m sure Rev. Cassandra is busy with clients. I had a reading with her three days ago and she said I’d find some money that I didn’t know I had and a friend would show you the path to get it. Well, it did happen. A friend told me about a site where you can find out if you have money from old bank accounts, taxes, and other things. It seems my late husband had forgotten about a checking account and it had almost $4,000.00 in it. How he could have forgotten such a thing is beyond me though I am grateful and really could use it.

I so appreciate you and your gift. Thank you.

Millie H.

November 13, 1995

It was a privilege to talk to you. My reading about the past was beyond amazing. It is like you read a bio on me. Thus I’m sure what you said about the future is just as amazing. I’m beholding to you for your help. Thanks.

MaryJo P.

September 22, 1995

Holy crap you are REAL!! Thank you for your help.

Bruce P.

August 25, 1995

Thank you Cassandra,
For my reading and psychic healing. I found it very interesting. You have given me much to ponder and work on.

Thanks for coming into my life.

Susan DeL.

August 19, 1995

I just had the reading by Cassandra and she really opened up my eyes to something I was struggling with and “I couldn’t see the forest because of the trees”. She has a definite gift of getting to the bottom of it. I would recommend if you are stuck, stumped, and frustrated you contact her for a reading – she’s definitely on my list as someone whom I will call on for help in the future.

Cathy B.

July 5, 1995

Dear Business Professionals,

I had a chance to be a client of Cassandra’s and wanted to share a little bit about that experience. Cassandra works in the arena of personal development, and therefore deals with personal issues. I felt totally comfortable with her retaining my privacy with any issues I discussed with her.
She is also very adept with people skills. Communication starts with being able to relate to a person in their own style. Cassandra possesses that gift. In a very short time frame, she was able to ascertain the type of person (as her client) I was and make me comfortable with her as an advisor.
For those of you looking for guidance in personal areas of your life, I would highly recommend a visit with Cassandra. Your time will be very well spent.


Nancy Roebke, Executive Director

May 23, 1995

Dear Friends:
I was very fortunate to have Cassandra give me a reading and it was incredible. I couldn’t believe her insight. If you are thinking about – think no more, just do it. She has an incredible gift. Please take advantage of it she really put me back on the path.

Joan E.

May 12, 1995

I am somewhat new to the internet and have found too many psychics, who are not what they claim to be. It was a pleasure to find an authentic psychic and I shall use your service again.

Liz T.

February 3, 1995

My friend gave me a reading as an early Christmas present saying she knows I could really use this now. I had my reading last Tuesday and was dumb struck by how much you knew about me. I had never thought anyone knew me that well. One of the things you predicted has already come to pass; I met my former high school boyfriend at the mall just like you said I would. He is single and so am I. We are going to see what happens, but because of you I already know; though I’m not saying anything to him as you suggested it may freak him out and I don’t want to do that.

Maria L.

December 18, 1994

Rev. Cassandra,

I had a reading from you a few months ago. You told me that my baby was a girl and would be born mid September; even though by the sonogram the doctor said it was a boy and was due in October. Well, SHE was born September 15, 1994. Next time I get pregnant I am coming to you before I go to the doctor. *S* And since we did not choose a girl’s name (I am sorry, but I thought you were wrong) we have decided to name her Cassandra in honor of you.

Thank you so much for this. After 3 sons we really wanted a daughter and I must admit I was a bit disappointed when the doctor said it was a boy. And I am sorry I did not believe you until they said “You have a daughter”. I cried with great joy.

Thank you, again.

Lorraine and Stephen C.

October 8, 1994

Cassandra and Maria,

Thank you for the reading. I am so grateful to God that I found you. When I need another reading I will be sure that you are the one who gives it to me.

Thank you

Eddie H.

August, 1994

To the best psychic I have ever encountered.
I have been to many many psychics in my 40 years, but never have I walked away feeling so completely aware of who I am and where I am going. You are a miracle in my life. Blessings to you and thank you.

Angela B.

June 29, 1994

Rev. Cassandra, I know my fiancée, Sabrina, emailed you a few days ago about the decision regarding the family heirloom ring. Yesterday we finally found the perfect wedding set for both of us; my ring matches her wedding band perfectly. I want to thank you for helping both us with this and it was a pleasure to speak to you. We also talked about calling you again in the future as needed and hope you are open to this. Again thank you.

Jack, B., III

February 3, 1994

Dear Rev. Cassandra

I received a phone reading from you two weeks ago and my heart is still pounding with joy. My appt was @ 5 pm PST and I had dinner with my boyfriend that evening. You said he would have a surprise for me, but you wouldn’t tell me what it was as you didn’t want to spoil ‘his’ surprise for me. Well, he proposed to me, which I wasn’t expecting at all. The ring he gave me is his great great grandmother’s engagement ring that has been passed down to the eldest son’s fiancée. I was so nervous to accept it for fear I’d damage or lose it, but I did; even though I’m still scared something will happen to it. After a few days Jack seem to sense my uncomfortableness and thought I didn’t like it. So he called you. You told him that he needed to come right out and ask me for an honest answer as to whether or not I like it and why I seem reluctant to wear it. I told him the truth and he told me that we’d put it in our safe deposit box and go shopping for a ring set we can choose together. He told me he had called you and what you said. Thank you. Now, we can pick out a ring I feel safer wearing and we will choose the set together. Jack and I decided that I would wear his great great grandmother’s ring(s) on special occasions with the family. We talked to his mother and grandmother and they are happy that I’ll be wearing it to family events.

Sabrina T.

January 29, 1994

Dear Rev. Anaya

I did not know what to expect in a reading because I never had one before. Well, now I do and I must say that I was left with my mouth opened to the floor. I can not imagine how you know all this stuff, but you depicted me to the “T”. I am still astounded by all of this and am grateful to you. Thanks

Robert A.

January 14, 1994

Stephen, my husband, is so right; you are amazing and the real deal. You said I’d be getting a promotion and felt it was a higher position than one step up. Well it was; I was promoted 3 levels and quite the pay raise. Now I make $300.00 a mth more than Stephen. He says that I can take him to dinner from now on. 😉

Thank you for helping both of us and glad to know there is someone like you we can depend on when we need more readings.

Kathleen B. (Stephen B’s wife)

December 3, 1993

Thank you so much for giving me a reading. I was in confusion and through your reading I now have clarity of mind. You are the best. Thanks again.

Babs S.

November 30, 1993

If anyone had ever told me what it was like to get a psychic reading I would have done it long ago. You are amazing and apparently the real deal. Already things have started to happen that you said would happen. Incredible. Thank you.

Stephen B.

November 22, 1993

Rev. Cassandra, thank you so much for your reading. It makes such sense to me and clears the clouds from my brain to see things much better. I’ll be back.

Carol S.

November 10, 1993

Dearest Cassandra,
I just had a reading from you and wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your accuracy and your gentleness. Even when we came to a part that was not really what I wanted to hear, but knew if you were a good psychic you would tell me the truth. You were so kind and gentle with my feelings. And you confirmed what I really already knew….just hoped I was wrong.
I will be back.


Glinda S.

November 7, 1993


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