Winter Solstice Ritual

Winter Peace by Jim Brickman

WINTER SOLSTICE RITUAL NORTHERN HEMISPHERE Winter Solstice: when the sun is directly over the “Tropic of Capricorn” at noon Solstice – Latin for ‘sun stands still’

Spells & rituals are used to assist you to attain your heart’s desires. All spells & rituals I perform are with the assistance of God, angels, saints, masters &/or spirit guides & of course prayers.


The Winter Solstice Ritual
– The next Winter Solstice begins December 22, 2007 @ 6:16 GMT. Since we live in California and begin the ritual 12 hours prior to the Solstice’s commencement, we will start the ritual December 21, 2007 @ 10:16 AM PST (December 21, 2007 @ 18:16 GMT)

In the northern hemisphere, the Winter Solstice is day of the year (near December 22nd) when the Sun is farthest south. The declination of the Sun on the (northern) Winter Solstice is known as the Tropic of Capricorn. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, in the sense that the length of time elapsed between sunrise and sunset on this day is at a minimum for the year.

The Winter Solstice marks the first day of Winter, in the northern hemisphere.

However, for our friends in the southern hemisphere, the Winter Solstice marks their first day of summer. So for them we perform a Summer Ritual.

It is a time we most despair, we seem lost, confused, frustrated and money seems to go before we receive it; with all the holiday shopping. We feel like we have reached the turning point and our strength recedes and/or declines. Such is the cycle of birth and death, elation and melancholy, strength and weakness, health and sickness, prosperity and poverty, the harmony of change. It is the time of year to have good friends around, and to be a good friend. Share your food and warmth. It is the time of year to be hospitable to strangers and travelers. It is the time of year for telling stories around the fire, the time of hot firmaments to warm the soul; the time too raise spirits……A celebration of the promise of the Sun’s return in all it’s power. Quite interesting, more babies are conceived during or shortly after a Winter Solstice than any other time of the year (they are the people you know born under the signs of Virgo and Libra.).

This ritual is perfect for this time of preparation, preservation, and patience as it helps purifies us to get through all that seems lost and overwhelming. It is designed to use the elements of the fire, water, and winter to prepare ourselves to surrender to our inner shadows and the transformations that 2008 will bring. It is aimed at creating a timeless stillness, which is much like being in the womb…a celebration of rebirth. It is a creative vortex which penetrates our inner physical bodies and weaves the outer manifestations of our daily lives.

Some people have asked how the ritual is done and what they need to do. So I thought I would give you some more insight.

WHAT WE DO: We begin the actual ritual after myself, MariaSuzonne, and 4 others cleanse my home and ourselves with herbs, soaps, incense and healings. Then we meditate, pray & chant mantras together; calling on the saints, masters, your angels and your spirit guides to assist us in your ritual being a success.

At that time we begin each person’s ritual. We light your St. John (John the Baptist) candle, the first knob of the white 7 knob candle and herbs, the eve of the Winter Solstice. Approximately 10 hours later we light the 2 image candles (male or female; determined by your gender), the second knob of the 7 knob candle, the pyramid candles, the first knob of the light blue 7 knob candle and the zodiac candle. The next day we light your St. Peter the Apostle. Then every day after we light another knob on the 7 knob candles and we spend time doing prayers, and chanting mantras over each person’s ritual. We do this as long as any candle is still burning.

The religious candles burn between 7 and 8 days. The pyramid candles takes about 6 to 7 days; the 7 knob candles are burnt at a rate of 1 knob each day, the zodiac candle burns for 8 to 9 days and the other candles take about 10 to 12 hours to complete.

We ask you to bring Yule logs, Mistletoe, Holly, Ivy, Evergreens, Oak (acorns are acceptable) and wheat (not in flour form. Seeds, chaffs, and/or stalks are needed) into your home for at least the duration of the ritual.

If you can not burn a Yule log in your home then please do not worry. Many live in apts., condos or houses that don’t have a fireplace, but we have a way around that. MariaSuzonne will give you more info on that.

You may also be interested in doing some affirmations that would enhance the ritual as well as your life. I have a page on my site that has some very powerful affirmations and a technique given to me by the angels that has proven to be very affective. The page is at


There is a legend that says mistletoe is a sacred plant and is cut only during the Summer or Winter Solstices. In Medieval times mistletoe was cut with a golden sickle. It was unlucky for the plant to fall to the ground; so a cloth was held under the tree to catch the cuttings.


  • SYMBOLIZES: Peace, Prosperity, Healing, Wellness, Fertility, Rest, Protection
  • FORMS: boughs, amulet sprigs above doorways, kissing balls
  • TRADITIONAL TO: Celtic & Teutonic

Bringing Evergreens into the home is an ancient practice that dates back to Mesopotamian times. The branches were brought in to give warmth and chase away evil spirits. Evergreen branches stood for everlasting life. They were believed to be supernatural plants because they stayed green and alive during the winter months. Many countries still include Yule logs as part of the celebrations. This could be anything from a large tree to a log only big enough to fit into a fireplace. The log was often covered with wine, salt and evergreens; then set ablaze. Some logs were burned outdoors while people danced and sang around. The preferable type of wood used for the Yule log is Oak, but Birch, Willow and Holly can be used.


  • SYMBOLIZES: Continuity of Life, Protection, & Prosperity
  • TYPES: Pine, Fir, Cedar, Juniper, Oak, Yew, Birch, & Willow
  • FORMS: boughs, wreaths, garlands, & trees
  • TRADITIONAL TO: Christianity, Roman, Celtic, & Teutonic

Holly was used in the solstice festivities in olden times because it’s an evergreen plant, which represented everlasting life. It was also used during the Yule celebrations as decorations over doorways and in wreaths.


  • SYMBOLIZES: Old Solar Year, Waning Sun, Protection, & Good Luck
  • FORMS: boughs over portals, & wreaths
  • TRADITIONAL TO: Roman, Celtic, English, & Christianity

During the Winter Solstice the Ivy plant was also used and still is. Ivy was highly respected by the Greeks, who wore it as a crown in celebration of victory.

  • IVY

  • SYMBOLIZES: Fidelity, Protection, Healing, Marriage, Victory, Honor, & Good Luck
  • FORMS: crowns, wreaths, & garlands
  • TRADITIONAL TO: Greek, Roman, English, & Christianity

The Oak tree was revered and worshipped by the Druids as well as the Greeks and Romans. It is said the Druids would not meet for rituals unless an Oak tree was present. Because the Oak tree is long-lived and strong it was considered a source of protection. Acorns were placed in the window seals to guard the house from lightening. Acorns were also carried for protection against sickness, aches and pains, and to preserve youthfulness. Today the Yule Log is most often made from the Oak tree.

  • OAK

    SYMBOLIZES: New Solar Year & Waxing Sun; Endurance, Strength, Triumph, Protection,& Good Luck
    FORMS: Yule log, acorns, & wood for sacred fires
    TRADITIONAL TO: Teutonic, Celtic, & Christianity

For thousands of years Frankincense and Myrrh were considered life-line to spiritual health, physical health and well-being. They were considered one of the most prized and extremely valuable in the ancient world (over 4,000 years ago); like gold and diamonds today (kings and emperors vied for the finest grades).
They are two of the gifts that the Three Wise Men presented to Jesus at his birth.
Myrrh was used to prepare the body of Jesus for his tomb.
During the Winter Solstice ritual they should be burnt as incense and on your Yule Logs:

The black powder with which the Egyptian women painted their eyelids was made of charred Frankincense, or other odoriferous resin mixed with Frankincense.


  • SYMBOLIZES: Sun, Purification, Consecration, Protection, & Spiritual Illumination
  • FORMS: incense & oils
  • TRADITIONAL TO: Babylonian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Judaism, Greek, Roman, & Christianity

Myrrh is said to help one maintain the state of enlightenment; it connects one to the spirit of youth and clears the path of debris that stands in the way of one’s truth.


  • SYMBOLIZES: Healing, Death and Afterlife, Purification, & Inner Peace
  • FORMS: incense & oils
  • TRADITIONAL TO: Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Judaism, & Christians

In the ancient Egyptian world, the chaffs of wheat was in fact a universal symbol of the saviour-god of death and rebirth.
Adding wheat (not in flour form) to your Yule log as a symbol of death and resurrection of the power of the Sun.


  • SYMBOLIZES: Sustenance, Abundance, Fertility, & Good Luck
  • FORMS: grain, straw figures and symbols, cookies, cakes, & breads
  • TRADITIONAL TO: Egyptian, Christianity, Roman, Celtic, Scots, Teutonic,& Judaism


The candles needed for this ritual

2 Religious Candles
1 St. John (John the Baptist)
1 St. Peter the Apostle

2 Male/Female Image Candles
1 White
1 Light Blue
2 7 Knob Candles
1 White
1 Light Blue
2 Pyramid Candles
1 Gold Pyramid
1 White Pyramid

1 Zodiac Candle

Length of Time: 8 to 9 days

Fees: $350.00 (per person) or $525.00 (per couple).

Spaces obtainable: 25

SPECIAL OFFER: If you refer 5 people who order this ritual then your ritual is free!

REGARDING SPOUSES/COUPLES: Though you are spouses or a couple you are still separate people. You may have common goals, yet you each have your personal goals, also. As such, couples order one and a rounded off half rituals (almost the same as “buy one; get the second for half price”).Therefore the fee for spouse or couples would be $525.00 instead of $700.00. That gives you a break in the fee and also gives you both your individual rituals. When we do rituals for individuals we make sure that each person’s ritual is at least 5 feet away from another person’s ritual. However, with couples we have the rituals about 2.5 feet apart. This works to cover the common desires and still has the separation to cover each person’s individual desires. (The SPECIAL OFFER is for couples, only.)

All spaces for the Winter Solstice Ritual have been filled. Please try again next year or see what other annual rituals are coming soon on our ANNUAL RITUALS page.

If you need assistance please contact my administrator, MariaSuzonne.


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