Manifest a happier life, achieving your goals & heart’s desires.
Performed with the guidance of God, angels, ascended masters,
saints, spirit guides, mantras, chants & prayers.
The various spells and rituals are listed below along with a description, length of time to perform and the fee. If there is not information then click on the ritual as it will link to a page that has more detail. Some rituals have S&H fee ($25.00 for USA; $40.00 other countries). If a spell requires S&H it will say so next to the ritual or spell’s fee.
When doing any ritual below I did not list the oils, powders, amulets &/or herbs I dress the candle(s) with as they vary from person to person. Example: I would not use a Scorpio oil for a person who is a Libra. If you need assistance in choosing the right candle or have any questions, please contact my administrator, MariaSuzonne. Tell her your situation and what you are seeking. Then I can assist you to choose the correct candle. NOTE: These rituals and spells are not available for retail sales. |
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