Karma Lessons (Karmic Lessons) |
Karma (also known as Dharma) – action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or from a reincarnation.
Dharma – essential quality or character, as of the cosmos or one’s own nature stemmed from this life or a previous carnation. In Hinduism – one of the means of reaching Brahman. Theosophy – the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to is deeds in a previous carnation. Sanskrit – fate, destiny. From the Bible – what you sew is what you reap From Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary. Now, that being said, I must interject that I do not believe in the punishment aspect of karma; such as ‘Karmic DEBTS’. I can not imagine God, who is a loving Father, saying “well you did horrible things in a past life and now you have to pay for them”. Instead I believe when we pass we finally realize there is no way to undo the horrible things done and make them right. If you kill someone how could ever possibly make that right? If you think by being killed in a future life will make it right you’re mistaken because there will always be the fact that you took another person’s life. Being killed in a future life can’t make up for the pain you caused that person’s family and friends or the victim’s family. And according to what the angels have told me when a person commits a horrendous crime against another, that person is never allowed to reincarnate again. Instead, after they pass and based on the offense, their soul is destroyed or banished from the Universe forever. I did ask the angels why the person was able to finish their life and was told “their family and friends need not suffer for their trespasses”. However, I do believe in ‘Karmic Lessons’. With Karmic Lessons God words would be said more along the line of “I gave you some lessons to learn in a past life about how to live a happier life and to walk the path I laid for you. You didn’t do as well as I hoped so in this life the same lessons are being presented to you again. I hope you will do better this time”. Angels have told me that a karmic lesson is a significantly difficult situation in this life to learn lesson(s) since we failed to learn in a previous life. It is much like going to college; if you do not pay attention or goof off then you have to repeat the course. It does not mean that the courses you passed have to be repeated; only the one you failed. It is like success and failure together, but sadly we humans have a tendency to pay more attention to the failures. And with justification; learning from our mistakes is how we grow stronger as humans to attain what Carl Jung called “Transcendental State” (also called Brahman, Nirvana, or Spirituality). On a lighter side of knowing – all the things in this life in which we succeed are simply because we passed a lesson of them in previous carnations. That too follows us from life to life. With Karmic Lessons we usually start at the negative expression of any given lesson until we are willing to accept the responsibility and exert the effort necessary to once and for all learn the lesson. Then we can move on to a more positive expression of ourselves. There are many different karmic lessons; fear, the value of independence, understanding of finances, limitation of oneself, cooperation with self and/or others, self-expression, laziness towards working, abuse of human freedom, family inner action, abuse of sex and sexuality, understanding, compassion, selfishness, indecisiveness, failure to learn about one’s emotional state; just to name a few. This does not mean you have to learn all these lessons in this present life! As I said before many will have already been learned in this life or past incarnations. When I do your karmic lessons I will tell you about your behavior in past lives; what types of situations have been or will be presented to you to learn the lessons in this life. Then you’ll know how to recognize them and learn from them. Learn how you can resolve your karmic lessons once and for all. The fee is $85.00 of which a portion goes to charity; by email only. ![]() |

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