FOR ADDITIONAL SECURITY: your name, address, phone number, email address, and credit information will be requested on the next page, where it will be encrypted for your protection. Thank you!
ALL information given is kept in the strictest of privacy :
Education Level:
Your Website URL:
Your Date of Birth: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Your Gender (Male or Female):
Your Full Name (as it appears on your birth certificate – first, middle & last name):
How did you hear about Rev. Cassandra?
(If through a search engine, please let us know which one. (ie. – yahoo, google, excite, infoseek, etc.)
(If from a friend or relative, please let us know their name. We want to acknowledge them.)
(If from another web site, please let us know which one. We want to acknowledge them, also.)
Description of the service you are requesting:
A portion of the fee you pay goes to charity. I felt it would be nice if you choose where that is portion donated.
Child Abuse
Domestic Violence
AIDS/HIV Hospice
Animal Rescue
All of the above
Any of the above
* What type of psychic reading are you requesting?
Angel Reading:
Combination of the three above:
* Name, date of birth, gender, and relationship to any other person(s) you would like included in the reading:
* Any questions or areas you want special focus:
* Fees for readings:
Email Reading
$75.00 USD
Readings by Telephone or Skype:
Telephone Skype
30 Minute Reading – $90.00 USD
45 Minute Reading – $135.00 USD
60 Minute Reading – $180.00 USD
Readings In Person:
30 Minute Reading – $125.00 USD
60 Minute Reading – $225.00 USD
(Rev. Cassandra is in San Diego, CA or Las Vegas, NV)
(Make sure you’ve confirmed with MariaSuzonne where she is before ordering.)
* Spiritual Healings :
$550.00 USD (by phone, Skype, or in person, only)
(For in person Rev. Cassandra is in San Diego, CA or Las Vegas, NV)
(Make sure you’ve confirmed with MariaSuzonne where she is before ordering.)
In Person
$450.00 USD (Long distance, only)
Description of malady:
* “Re”Connect with YOUR Angels :
$175.00 USD (only via telephone, Skype, or in person )
(For in person Rev. Cassandra is in San Diego, CA or Las Vegas, NV)
(Make sure you’ve confirmed with MariaSuzonne where she is before ordering.)
* Karmic Lessons :
$85.00 USD (email only)
* Comments regarding any of my services:
* Why did you choose Rev. Cassandra to assist you on your life’s path?:
There are two ways to receive a discount/offer:
(Neither discount is valid with the other nor with any other discounts or offers.)
#1 – All new clients receive a 10% discount .
For discounted fees click HERE . (A new window will open.)
Type the promo code ‘newclient’ here:
Use the discount code accordingly ‘military’, ‘senior”, ‘disabled’, ‘single parent’.