Chinese astrology is based on the ‘Lunar Calendar’ (the year does not begin January 1st).
If you were born between January 1st & February 20th you may have been born prior to the new Lunar Year. Please check to find out when a Lunar Year began, click Lunar Calendar.

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The site was at geocities, but they no longer host sites.
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This page uploaded to a circle-of-light.com May 5, 2000 © A Circle of Light Counseling; Rev. Cassandra Anaya Trust
However, this page was under a previous name: https://www.circle-of-light.com/chineseastrology/chinese-year.html. It combined the horoscopes with a Chinese animal signs javascript. Since then the pages have been separated as you can tell.
It was recorded by the Internet Archive History Organization,
supported in part by the United States Library of Congress,
© August 18, 2001 – A Circle of Light.