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Psychic testimonials
Angel ‘Re’Connection testimonials

I don’t know if you remember me or not, but in May of 2012 you did a spell for my husband and I, fresh start for relationships. The results have been phenomenal. We had both made some mistakes in our 15 years of marriage and felt like the marriage was going no where. Through the spell and the suggestion you gave us to try and remember why we fell in love and married in the first place. We made the list you suggested and sat down to share our list with each other. As I was reading his list I got teary eyed; he did the same with the list I gave him. We hung them on the fridge where our 4 children can see them. Our 3 daughters said they like reading them because it is a step into their history. Our son is a 9 yr old male, which explains his point of view. Anyway, our marriage is no longer like we were in high school, but is healthy again; more than it has been in a very long time. Thank for helping us remember and giving us what we needed to remind us of the importance of our marriage. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to both you and MariaSuzonne. In our lives you are both angels sent from God. Yvette L. ![]() ![]() My company was downsizing by 35%. I’ve only worked here for 3 years and was concerned about losing my job. I have a wife and 4 children to take care of and we are a 1 check family. Almost a year ago I had you do a protection spell for me to protect me from losing my job. I also had a blessings spell done since 1 spell works for all of us in the same house. Well, everything is going far better than I expected. I work in advertisement for a TV station and out of the blue I got a call from a man, who found my card in a chair at a restaurant he went to. He called me and signed a 1 million dollar a year contract for the next 2 years. After we closed the deal he said he felt finding my card was a sign from God I was the man he’d been searching for and he was glad that followed what he felt. He said I am the unusual sales person he was looking for; a rep that doesn’t push. I told him I don’t like pushy sales people either so would never do that. Then he told me he was originally planning on starting with $500,000.00 a year, but decided my ideas were amazing and he could trust his gut feelings. That was almost a year ago and he is so happy with the results he asked if we could change the contract and up next years budget to 2 million. Well, I wasn’t about to say no. Also as you know I’ve had you do the prosperity ritual for me a 3 times. I am doing it as you suggest – every 3 or 4 mths.So far it has been wonderful in that I’ve received a raise and a few amazing bonuses and we are expecting baby #5 next May, which may have also stemmed from the blessings spell too (my wife is thrilled she won’t have to go through a hot Summer pregnant again) Thank you for all you have done and will be doing. You are truly appreciated. Robert McF. ![]() ![]() Rev. Cassandra, My first encounter with your site was after emailing about one of your spells. MariaSuzonne replied and I felt so cared about. I then asked a million questions and she patiently answered everyone. When I apologized for asking so many questions she gently assured me that she had no problem with my questions as she wanted me to be sure and comfortable before ordering the spell. I felt so cared about and truly loved by her replies. I placed an order for the intense rainbow love ritual and the results have been amazing for my sister and I. We had a falling out and haven’t been able to get past it. We argued for months and finally stopped speaking 14 mths ago. I won’t explain what happened in this email because you already know. Half way through the ritual she called me. I said hello and she said “I’m so sorry for being such a bitch. Can you ever forgive me?”. I said yes and she said that for the last week she has had a strong feeling to call, but was scared I’d hang up on her. Apparently she started feeling the desire to call the same day you began the ritual or around that time. I know sometimes it takes time before a spell manifests, but never did I expect it to happen while the spell was being done. It shocked me with amazement. I know for sure I’ll have you do all my spellwork in the future. I told my sister about the ritual and she was glad I had it done. She is considering have you do work for her after the holidays. I also told my mom, my other 2 sisters and my 2 sisters-in-law. It turns out one of my sisters-in-law has periodically had you do work for her. She has been your client for about 10 years. She just never told anyone because she wasn’t sure how we would feel about it. AND it turns out some of her other family members come to you also. If I had known my family and I would have had my sister back before now. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Karen T. ![]() ![]() Rev. Anaya, I can not tell you how grateful I am for the benefits I have received from the prosperity spell. I started receiving results almost immediately. I wanted a raise and got a promotion (this is a company that doesn’t have a lot of upper level positions because people just don’t leave here as it is a great company. And I got some time off to go see my family for Christmas. My children are so excited as they haven’t seen their grandparents for a couple of years. Thank you so much. You are a blessing in my life and I will order other services in the near future. Stephanie W. ![]() ![]() Dearest Cassandra, You completed my chakra work last week and once again I feel like a new woman. My husband says I look like a “shiny new penny made from actual copper”. I was sure it must be a compliment or he would not have said it as such. So I was a bit puzzled until when he told me it is a compliment that he heard his father said to his mother and she was delighted. She he thought he’d try it. He said he did have to change it because we all know pennies are no longer made of copper.They actually feel like fake token made of plastic. Anyway I feel great, which doesn’t surprise me since I felt this way every time you’ve done my chakras for the last 6 or 7 yrs. As a cardiologist if it weren’t for you working on my chakras I think I would have lost it a long time ago. Every month you do for me what I wish I could do for every patient who comes to be……make them feel healthy and whole and stress free. The world is a better place because of you. Thank you. BTW, Raj asked me to let you know he is aware his chakras cleaning and balancing is coming due the last week of October. Remember how much trouble I had getting him do have you clean and balance his chakras the first time? Now, he has put in monthly in his calender or he’d probably order it everyday. I don’t think he needs to put it in the calender as he has had the work done enough he can tell when his body knows it is time. Laskshmi P. ![]() ![]() I got the job I was hoping to get simply because you performed the ‘get the right job’ spell. I had been trying for a couple of years to get a job at this company. I called them frequently, but never got even an interview. Then you did this spell for me. Two days into the spell they called me for an interview (I almost thought I was literally dreaming yet knew I wasn’t). The last day the spell was burning was the day I had the interview and they hired me on the spot, which has never happened to me. I’ve been with the company for 5 mths now and am so happy. It is a good company, employees are treated like they matter, benefits are incredible and the list goes on and on, but I won’t waste your time. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the work you did. I’ve been telling others to use your service because you are ‘the real deal’. Thank you again so very much, ![]() ![]() Rev. Cassandra You cleaned and balanced my chakras a little over a month ago. The third or fourth day into the cleaning I could feel a difference. It was wonderful. The following day I just started crying, almost like an uncontrollable sobbing, and felt it was me releasing something. I emailed you and told you about the crying and asked what it meant. I intentionally didn’t mention what I thought the reason was as I want to see what you’d say without my thoughts. You emailed me back and said that crying rarely happens and it is my need to release stuff. You explained that since I’d never had my chakras worked on a lot of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual stuff was stuck and as the chakras were being cleaned it opened a gate for all ‘my stuff’ to get out. I loved your analogy about constantly stuffing things in the closet then one day opening the closet door and all the stuff comes tumbling out. I’ve seen that happen in movies and cartoons; my children and I laugh like crazy. But when it is tumbling out within yourself it is a bit concerning. After reading your reply I felt so much better and it started to subside; then completely stopped about an hour later. It was weird as inside me if felt like a storm and then the sun was instantly shining all over the place. As I said that was more than a month ago and since then I have been feeling lighter, more clear, more balanced, more in touch with myself and the people in my life, my work is more productive and I am over all far happier. I certainly will follow your recommendation to have it repeated every few mths simply because I never want to feel that ‘clogged’ again; especially since I now know how wonderful it feels to be ‘unclogged’. Thank you for freeing my body, mind, and soul, ![]() ![]() Dear Cassandra What can I say other than thank you for again performing another prosperity ritual for me. Each time you do one or more doors open for me to enhance my business. The ritual just completed yesterday and I received 2 calls today from different venues that will each enhance my business. I’ll be back in a few mths to have the prosperity ritual performed again. Thank you for all you do, ![]() ![]() i purchased new years blessing around December 2011, believe it or not 2012 was one of the best years of my life. GOD BLESS ![]() ![]() I got the right job Cassandra. The spell completed 3 days ago and already I’ve had some calls and interviews. I took the job that suits me the best. I think this is the first time in my life I had 5 companies that wanted to hire me and I get to make the choice of which one I want to work for. How cool that was. The job I took has offered me a great salary, great benefits, room to rapidly move upward and there are 2 day care on site for my children; one for the little one and one for the two older children. AND I’ll have time off to pick up my two older ones when school lets out and bring them back here. Thanks for your help, ![]() ![]() Rev. Cassandra I don’t know what wonderful thing I did to find your site and trust my intuition to order a find your true love spell and a dream spell 8 mths ago, but I did. And I am glad I so did. On the day before the spells ended I met a man in a Starbucks and knew who he was since I had been dreaming about him. I’m rather shy, but went up and said hello. He said “I know you”, which shocked me. Then he told me about two spells he had done (later he said he held his breath because he thought I’d get up and leave). When he told me about the kind spells I just listened. Then I asked him if there were from A Circle of Light and at the same time we said “and Rev. Cassandra?”. We both knew that we had some things special in common, the same spells we both had done and you. Turns out you started his spells 2 days before you started mine. What you didn’t know and neither did I, was that my company transferred me to his city 6 weeks later. Talk about kismet and you were the nucleus of that kismet. I asked if you knew when you were doing both our spells and you were honest enough to say you didn’t. Thank you for that honesty and the spells you did for us. Thank you. from both of us we’ll be back, ![]() ![]() Dearest Cassandra, Over the past 9 yrs you have done a lot of spells and rituals for me, plus my chakra work and prosperity rituals that I have done as you recommended. I want to thank you for all you have done and will continue to do for me, my husband, our children, family and friends. Even my brother, who was the #1 skeptic has become your #1 fan. You are so dear to all of us and words could never express our love for you, the angels and your gift. Linda Sue H. ![]() ![]() Last month you performed a full moon releasing spell for me to help me let go of of some stuff. Well I let go of a LOT of stuff. I was able to break up with a guy I’ve been with for 8 mths and who drained me; emotionally and financially. Actually I didn’t really have to break up with him. One evening 2 days into the spell I looked at him in a way that made me see the truth more clearly – “If I stay with him this will be my life” and was thinking “enough is enough”, but guess I just accidentally said it out loud. I was shocked that it actually came out of my mouth, but he said “Okay”, pack his things and left. I haven’t heard from him since and don’t want to. I’ve also released 15 pounds. That was a pleasant surprise. I consider that a bonus as it wasn’t on my bucket list. Thank you and in a few months I’ll try the new moon spell. ![]() ![]() I will never trust anyone else again with my problems except for Rev. Cassandra. She is completely who she says she is. Also, she is compassionate and truly cares for her clients…well this one at least; she treated me like I was family. And her spells are extremely powerful. She has helped me change my life for the better. I would never go to another spell caster as long as she is here to help me. Sally P. ![]() ![]() I had my chakras cleaned and balanced, a gift from a friend. I thought she was crazy to spend that much money. But during the cleaning part I began to feel more complete and as weird as it may sound – cleaner. When they were done I felt like a new person inside and out. My mind is more clear, my choices seem less complicated and I’m a happier person. You are amazingly great. Thank you Latcia J. ![]() ![]() My boyfriend and I were having communication problems and we felt it might be a good idea to end the relationship. Then I found your site with the Communication spell. I talked to him about it and we decided if it didn’t work we would know we needed to end the relationship. It has been 5 mths and we are doing wonderful. We don’t hold things in until we explode. Instead we talk them out. We still have a few things to work on, but we are doing it and taking each step one at a time. Thank you Molly A. ![]() ![]() Hi Rev Cassandra, I hope you are doing well and everything is going well for you. I wanted to let you know the spell you did for my mother was fantastic, it was concerning her surgery/gallbladder, which she had back in March of this year, Everything went well and her healing process went quite well. The doctor was quite happy with her. Thank you so much. These spells are phenomenal and it really helped my mother. She is slowly branching out, since the loss of my dad a year ago, which was April 30, 2012. Next year, she will be doing a Rhein cruise with my Aunt, a cousin and my other cousin and her son and a whole bunch of people, this is huge. She said, she hopes she makes it by than with her Asthma and anxiety and other complications, a bit of a drama queen, lol. I am proud of her progress. The outside force spell you did for me regarding Harriett has not been a problem. I have gotten along with her really well and released my ego and things have been great. Management has not bothered me at all either. Harriett, was stripped of her leadhand and is now a worker. Some people in my crew had problems with her and her passed caught up even though she turned a corner. I believe management at this point did not clamp down on the ones who are the troublemakers. I believe they are next to go, management. Work is in a terrible mess right now and changes have to happen to get the department back on track.’ Blessings, ![]() ![]() For a number of years you have been doing the prosperity spell for me. Each time I put away some a the extra cash I receive. In the past 12 yrs you’ve been doing this spell for me I’ve been able to pay off the house. I live in here in San Diego and now I have finally saved the money to buy a home for my parents. There is so run down that it would be better to tear it down and build it back up than try to renovate it; yet would cost more than buying a new house already built. I took my accumulated 3 mths vacation and went to Kansas. to stay with them while we found the house they wanted to purchase. Yesterday the three of us signed the papers for their new house. My mom is a little sad since she raised my brother, sister, and myself in the old house and she is also excited to use the new very updated appliances and the jacuzzi in her bathtub. It has been a long time coming and I’ll continue the prosperity spell quarterly. Thank you for helping me to buy my parents a wonderful new home. I couldn’t have done it without you. ![]() ![]() I had spent a lot of money on what turned out to be fake psychics. Then I found your site and read the note on your love spells page about why you won’t do a spell to bring back a love. I respect your choice, but was really disappointed with it. Then instead of leaving your site I read your faq page and wished I had read it before I forked out so much money. The question I am referring to is “I had a spell done, but it didn’t work well at all. The psychic said it was more difficult than she thought and wanted a lot more money to make it work. Does that make sense and should I have paid her more?”. If a psychic ever pulls that on me again I’ll be following your advice “If a ‘psychic’ asks you for exorbitant fees then run…..in the opposite direction as fast and as far as you can.” And because you seemed to be honest I decided to have a reading from you. I’ve submitted a testimonial for that. Actually because of your directness on the site I chose to have a reading with you, which I did 2/12 and sent you a testimonial on Sept 1st. In the reading you suggested I order a fresh start for oneself. I ordered the reading and it completed a few days ago. Cassandra I can’t say as I feel like a new woman, but I can say that I truly feel like a woman; a woman who knows herself better than she has ever known herself in her life. And stronger than I have ever felt before. My mother even called and tried to chastise me for what I had said to my father and I simply asked her “Mom, what do you call it when you marry your child off to a man so both his company and the man’s company can ally with each other to increase their wealth? And don’t say it was a smart business deal as you and I both know that your husband, my father sold his daughter. So it is either him being a pimp or slave trader”. I’m sad that I had to resort to building this bridge between my parents and I, but I can’t be with people, who obviously don’t respect me. Though my father and almost ex husband will have to because I have controlling interest in both companies. (they kept buying things and putting them in my name. If things got sticky I would have been in a heck of a lot of trouble. However, thanks to the reading the phone number you gave me I have hired the right people and found out I have controlling interest. Also the atty you sent me to has all the paper work pulled and now I have complete control over the properties and the stocks that were put in my name and they can’t suddenly put these things back in their names.) Both my father, as the CEO/CFO, and my husband, with whatever title he was listed as, have been fired (Of course my dad is telling everyone he retired and convinced me to divorce my husband.). And yes I am taking over the companies. My father thought as a female I was ignorant and only useful by selling me off to increase his wealth, but not only did he make sure I had a masters in finances before I married, but he forgot that I grew up in the office of the business and was fascinated by all I learned. It seems I haven’t forgotten a thing. Carrie M ![]() ![]() Cassandra, I was introduced to you by Clark B , who left his testimonial January 15th. After you did his chakra work you did mine. It completed on Feb. 24th. Once in awhile Clark comes up with some really scatter brained ideas for improving our lives and at first I thought this was another one. Yet each day you were doing his cleansing then his balancing I saw the changes in him. So I knew this was one of the times he hit the nail on the head. So I asked you to cleanse and balance my chakras. I feel like a new man. I feel more grounded than I have ever felt in life; actually I didn’t know a person could feel this grounded. Being gay means we are hit with a lot of ignorant people saying mean things to us. I call them ignorant simply because most claim to be Christian yet ignore the Bible and “JUDGE” others. Anyway with the chakra work their taunting is like water running off a ducks back and has no affect. I also find that my in life, my career, work, personal relationships or anything I’m involved with has more focus. Also, I was somewhat clumsy and am not any longer, which you said may be due to my now being balanced. I know I am just glad that I’m not breaking things with my clumsiness. You’re truly a plus in my life, Thank you. Nick Z. ![]() ![]() Thank you so much for this lovely love enhancement spell. You and the angels have helped me tremendously in my life path and I am very thankful and grateful for that. The rituals/spell are extremely phenomenal, all I can say is wow and how it all works, it’s so great. Linda VanD. ![]() ![]() Rev. Cassandra Anaya, I just recently heard of chakras and started doing some research on them, their purposes in our lives, and what their purpose is. In my research I found that a person does need to have their chakras cleaned and balanced, which rather surprised me; yet didn’t. Then I found your site about cleaning and balancing chakras. I found that you work with more chakras than other people and seem to do a deeper cleansing than others. Since I’d never had my chakras cleaned (how could I when I didn’t know I had chakras?). You finished cleaning and balancing my chakras about a week ago and I want to share my experience. The second day I started feeling lighter. The third day you emailed with an update, which explained why I was feeling differently. Each day I began to feel more the person I want to be and less a person that felt bogged down by life and its turmoil. I am happier, have more energy, things don’t bother me near as much as they did and I handle those turmoil things with far more confidence and zero stress. Also, my calendar is marked to do my chakra maintenance every 2.5 mths (you said 2 to 3 mths and I figured 2.5 would work for me) I have suggested your chakra cleaning and balancing to my significant other. You are now doing the chakra work for him and he too “feels an amazing difference”; his words in just 3 days. I’m going to tell my other friends about your chakra work also. Thank you and ![]() ![]() I ordered the 2013 New Year’s ritual to start Dec. 16, 2013 and I’ve decided to order this ritual every year. My life is getting better and better. The day you began the ritual I got a promotion that I’ve been trying to get for a year, but was kept at bay with one excuse or another. Then a few days later my wife, who is the bitch queen of divas, decided to give me a divorce that I’ve been asking for since 2008. She found another man, which I suspected. Whatever it took I don’t care. After we married in 2007 her true nature came out – she is verbally abusive, the laziest woman in the world unless she is shopping, took contraceptives and lied about them, even though I found them in the back of the linen closet. I want children, but now so glad she won’t be their mother. (BTW, I never told her I got the promotion). And next time I’ll ask the exes of a new woman what she is like. Thank you for this ritual. I am indebted to you Cosmos L.
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