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Psychic testimonials
Angel ‘Re’Connection testimonials

Last year I paid for an Anger Free Spell as I always seem to be walking around filled with anger. I was hoping it would help a little, but was surprised that it helped a lot. I’ve had it redone about every 6 months (3 times) and I think ordering it today may be the last time as I rarely get angry and when it do it is such a minor angerp; more like a mild frustration. However, if I need it again in the future I know you will be here to help me Thank you helping me live a better life and be a better person ![]() ![]() Hello Rev. Cassandra, Two weeks ago I ordered a ritual from you to get the right job. The ritual finished 4 days ago, on Sunday, Sept. 10th You had me make a ‘detailed’ list of what I wanted in a job and the company. The first thing I put was that “I have always wanted to work in an environment like that; where you are appreciated and acknowledged for your work”. This is so important to me because the places I’ve worked before always expect way too much and don’t acknowledge you when you give it. Well, on Monday morning I was at a Starbucks reading the classifieds for jobs and feeling very positive when a older gentleman asked if he could share my table since the place was full. I had no problem with that. So he sat down and we began to chat. He said he noticed that I was looking at the job classifications and asked why kind of job I was looking for. I told him and he said maybe he could help me because he knew a few people. We continued to talk about my qualifications and work history. After about an hour he had a business meeting, but asked for my resume. I asked for his card and he gave me his personal card. I thought that odd, but took it and he left. Then I called a few places listed in the classifieds and set some appts. About two hours later I received a call (thank God for cell phones). The lady told me the company she worked for and wanted to know if I could come in at 2pm. I said of course. I was so excited because for several years I have known about this company; they treat their employees like family; have great salary and benefits. And they were calling me…..I also realized this man must have called them and told them about me because they didn’t have ad in the paper. So I prepared for my interview and arrived 10 minutes before my appointment. I was called in to the HR’s office and sat down. She handed me papers and asked me to fill them out. I was rather stunned because they were papers that you fill out after you were hired. I asked her about them and she chuckled. It seems that the man I was talking to was the president of the company. After his meeting was over he went over my resume; made some calls and then told the lady from HR to call me in to fill out the employee papers. At that point is when she realized that he forgot to tell her that I didn’t know I was hired. So today I am working at the greatest company. And it that landed in my lap out of the blue just because I willingly shared my table at Starbucks……and I wouldn’t have even been there had it not been for the ritual. You and your work create amazing miracles. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. ![]() ![]() Dearest Rev. Cassandra, I promised that I would keep you abreast of my relationship and that is why I am sending you this email. Last Monday, August 21st, was my birthday and Eugene gave me the most romantic time. Eugene said he had something special planned and I was to pack for a beach getaway. So Friday evening we got in the car and went to the airport (Since we live in D.C. I thought we were going to drive some place certainly closer that wouldn’t need a plane). Well, the beach we flew to was Hawaii. And little did I know but, Eugene had arranged with my boss for me to have extra time off. So we flew back on Tuesday. Hawaii for the weekend; plus two days How romantic is that? While in HI, for my birthday, he arranged to have a beautiful dinner right on the beach with candles and torches. He even had a small band and hula dancers. Then after dessert he asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes. We are getting marred next Spring in Hawaii. I hope you and MariaSuzonne will allow us to fly both of you to Hawaii for the wedding. Looks like this time our timing is perfect. Again my deepest gratitude to you both. Her other testimonial was May 2, 2006 ![]() ![]() Cassandra, I had you do yet another spell for me. This time I needed to gain some inner peace after the death of my beloved father. Your Inner Peace Ritual helped me so much. I feel more calm and know I’ll be alright. You have always been such a blessing in my life and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Catrina J. ![]() ![]() Dearest & Fabulous Rev. Cassandra & MariaSuzonne, This year I had you do a Valentine’s Spell for me and I am amazed at the results. I met/actually met again the man who has taken my heart. I say met again because we were high school/college sweethearts 20+ years ago. We have seen each other periodically on and off, but the timing was not good (either he was involved or I was and we did not want to cross any lines and the feelings just weren’t really strong anyway). Well, the end of February I went to a political cocktail party and there he was. As we had done in the past we talked for a bit, but this time things felt different….the feelings seem to be stronger. At first I thought I was the only one having these feelings and I was rather skeptical of them; thinking to myself that these feelings are there simply because neither of us are involved and I am calling on childhood memories. After the party ended I went home and thought about this on and off for awhile. Two weeks later he called me and asked if I had felt anything. He said that he had strong feelings that night and can’t shake them. He said everyday he had been thinking about this. We talked about the feelings possibly being left over from our school days and that we are different today then during those days. Well, to make a long story short – since then we have been dating. We have entered this dating knowing that we might be living past memories of some teenage ‘unrequited love’; so have been aware of not getting caught up in that. Now after a couple months we feel we are actually dating because of who we are today; not the children from yesterday. And we are having the time of our lives. Everything between us is familiar; yet new. How exciting is that? And we are getting ready to take a month off and travel. And know that we are not talking about marriage because we have only been dating 2 mths, but according to the reading you just gave me it looks like it is headed in that direction. I’ll keep you posted. To both of you I say thank you. ![]() ![]() The New Year’s Blessings Ritual has really produced some amazing blessings. I was looking for a raise at work and got an amazing promotion to a level 2 steps up from where I was, which brought a raise that is almost triple of what I was making. I was looking for love and found a person, who is turning out to be the right one for me. The words thank you just don’t seem to be enough. Yet will have to do. I’ll be back when I need or want more work done. Judy C. ![]() ![]() Rev. Cassandra, I want you and everyone to know the amazing work you did for me. First I had you clean and balance my chakras. Then I had the prosperity ritual done and the results have been amazing. I am a professional athlete, but I was dropped by the team I was playing with. I was feeling out of sorts, depressed, and felt my career was over. Two days into the chakra cleaning I began to feel better, like the depression was lifting, I was more in tune with myself and knew my career wasn’t over. By time the chakra work was done I felt like a new man. I know you said you were going to begin the prosperity ritual two days before the chakra balancing was completed. That same day I started getting calls from other teams wanting to recruit me; some I had never even considered! I took a few days choosing the one with the best opportunities I have chosen a team and am on my way sign the contract and start playing again. Rev. Cassandra, this is all because of you, your angels and the powers that be. Thank you and my mother sends her appreciation along with the rest of my family. I will take your advice and continue focusing my intentions in the right directions and will use the affirmations to help me along the way. My appreciation of you and your work is boundless. I’ll be back again and again and will tell everyone about you. Thank you for all you’ve done for me. ![]() ![]() I want to thank you for the spell you performed for an easier break up with my girl friend. I never wanted to hurt her and didn’t know how to break up with causing her pain. It turned out to be so much easier than I expected….she broke up with me the second day of the spell. Thank God, you and the angels for your help. Ralph S. ![]() ![]() Rev. Cassandra, I ordered the Intense Rainbow Love Ritual for my husband and I since our marriage seem to be losing something. It seems things started slowly improving right away. Then all of a sudden they improved faster. He has surprised me with a trip to Paris for Christmas and New Years. We’ve never been there and he didn’t really have a desire to go, but he said “if it is the city of love then we have to go and what better Christmas present could I give you?”. I’m going to Paris for Christmas with the man I love. How special that is. And I owe it all to you and the Intense Rainbow Love Ritual. Thank you oh so much, ![]() ![]() I got the right job. Thanks ![]() ![]() Dear Rev. Cassandra, You may remember you did a ritual for my mum some time ago. I just wanted to write to you and thank you with all my heart for what you did because my mum yesterday received confirmation that they are going to get most of their money back and they will not have to pay any legal fees! With the money she will be able to buy a house where we will keep all of our grandparents’ belongings (something which was very important to the whole family). She also asked me to thank you and to send you her love… So I just wanted to thank you and let you know that the ritual you carried out was fantastic and the outcome of it all will finally give my mum some peace of mind…thank you thank you thank you!!!! :))) I wish you all the best and send you my love **** I did a ‘Court Legal Matters’ ritual for her mother, who had invested most of her life’s savings in a company recommended by the bank. Turns out the bank knew this company was going bankrupt, even before people invested and they did not tell the investors, Cecilia’s mom included. What greedy jerks! But now they have been forced to take responsibility. Who says you can’t fight big companies and win? 🙂 ![]() ![]() Hello MariaSuzonne & Rev. Cassandra, I don’t have enough words to tell you how grateful we are. My husband and I were struggling in our marriage and were contemplating a divorce when he found your site. We looked at all your spells and decided we’d try the Receive More Love & Give More Love spells. The results have been amazing. Now, we are not like the high school loves we were, but have a far more mature, secure, loving, caring relationship than we have ever had. We want to tell you how much we appreciate your time in helping us to have an even better marriage. Thank you very much, ![]() ![]() It’s been six months since the good Rev. performed a “Rainbow Love Ritual” and “Outside Forces Ritual” for my boyfriend and I. She also performed a “Communication Ritual” a few days later. Well, here we are; we are living together, communicating closer and more intimately and we’re making plans for our future in travel and *possible* marriage!!!! At first I guess I expected the rituals to take effect immediately, but a ritual isn’t always like that; as I have learned after much study on my own. I can definitely tell you though that they DID work. Scott and I haven’t talked like this EVER and here we are! best friends, in love, and living together….amazing!!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us get to this state and I know who I can count on when it seems like there’s no hope…. but there is always hope, love, light, my angels, and of course Rev. Cassandra Anaya. Thank you for helping my relationship and enriching my life! Lindsay O’C. **** As Lindsay points out not all rituals work immediately. This is because a ritual announces our intentions to the Universe more clearly and precisely detailed. Then it is on God’s time; not ours, as to when results manifest. He always knows the best. *S* However, the bottom line is they do manifest (Ask and ye SHALL receive) and the results are even better than we expect….as you can see by Lindsay’s results. And to Lindsay & Scott I say congratulations! ![]() ![]() Cassandra, Here I am with more testimonials. Even though I also had the New Year’s Blessings Ritual done I knew I was also gong to have the Valentine’s Day Spell done after that. So waited to see how both went. The New Year’s produce a promotion, but I turned it down as a different company came looking for me offering a better position and a lot more money. I have never had a company come looking for me, so was quite thrilled and blown away by it. I took the job and am loving it. And I only did one interview, which is rare, but of course they came looking for me so already knew my capabilities. At the interview of the job I met one of the VPs and at the end of February he wanted me to meet his brother. I was hesitant like most when it comes to blind dates, but I had you do a reading for me. You felt it would be a good idea. Well it was and it has been a great 3 mths so far. AND as of last week we are dating exclusively. Oh, when I told him about the rituals I’ve had done it turns out he is one of your clients also and has been for a number of years; mostly getting reading. His name is Stephen M. (I’ll use his last name and know that you will use his initial when putting this email on your testimonial page). Thank you for all you have done and all you will be doing for both of us. ![]() ![]() Rev. Cassandra Thank you for doing the love spell for my girlfriend and I. We are doing a lot better in our communication. As you say ‘light and blessings, ![]() ![]() Rev. Cassandra There are not enough words to express my gratitude for the years you have been there for my family and I. You’ve given us readings and performed the best riituals and spells for us with the most awesome results. From all of us thanx to you and MariaSuzonne. ![]() ![]() Rev. Cassandra and MariaSuzonne, I’m sending you a short note to let you know the new years ritual you did for me has really been paying off. My life has turned around 360 degrees. Thank you from my heart.
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