The 2018 Summer Solstice:
will begin June 21, 2018 10:07 GMT. We start the ritual 12 hours befoe the solstice begins, June 20, 2018 22:07 GMT. Since GMT does not implement Daylight Savings Time we are 7 hrs behind GMT instead of 8 hrs. Thus the ritual begins on June 20, 2017 @ 3:07 PM PDT. And as it happens in most years the solstice coincides with a Full Moon, which makes the ritual even more powerful; the Sun and the Moon working hand in hand. Empowering!!
The Summer Solstice ritual is performed to fulfill the external physical & emotional manifestations of your internal desires; such as love & wealth. In ancient times it was considered a time of fullness of life, worldly blessings and celebration. Not much has changed today in how we look at summer. We see it as a time of vacations, play, celebration, fun, joviality, parties, and barbecues with family and friends at the beach or park. Days are longer which gives us more time to enjoy the sun and soak in it’s warmth.
The Summer Solstice celebrates the joy, warmth and laughter of summer; and God’s power. The beginning of summer represents a time for purification, renewal and healing of the self & soul, a time to release the sadness, fears and pains from your life. A time for purification and renewed energy.
For couples: it is also a time for renewing the bonds of love that brought the two of you together in the first place. Remember that song from the 1978 movie “Grease” with Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta called “Summer Nights”…the amazing feelings of youthful passionate love…bu-ut oh, those su-ummer nights….). With renewed energy of the Summer Solstice all things are possible.
For those of you who are single, it is a time to renew you commitment to find your true love. Since the summer is a time for external physical manifestations then why not include manifesting the ‘right’ person to love? Then your summertime celebration will have even more meaning and someone to share it with.
The Sun exerts its’ maximum power at the Solstice because the tilt of the Earth’s axis makes the Sun’s rays most nearly parallel on that date at points in the Northern hemisphere. The time is here to complete external physical manifestation and all energies are about exerting the will. In ancient times it was considered a time of fullness of life, worldly blessings and celebration. Not much has changed today in how we look at summer. We see it as a time of vacations, play, celebration, fun, joviality, parties, and barbecues with family and friends at the beach or park. Days are longer which gives us more time to enjoy the sun and soak in it’s warmth.
The Solstice is a day to see the Creator in everyone you come in contact with and to recognize their divinity along with the recognition of your own self God image. John the Baptist is the recognized saint for the Summer Solstice. The belief is that summer solstice is for renewal, which needs to be a renewed commitment to God and ourselves.
The Summer Solstice Ritual is an extremely powerful ritual. I limit the ritual to only 100 people. This ritual lays the foundation of the summer. The purpose of this ritual, as I said above, is to renew, release and enhance our external physical manifestations. i.e.; financial, health, joy, faith, love, happiness, friendships, family, blessings, fun, luck, fun, and abundance. A sense of being “One with ALL”.
Some people have asked how the ritual is done and what they need to do. So I thought I would give you some more insight.
When we gather to begin the ritual myself, MariaSuzonne, and 4 others start with cleansing my home and ourselves with herbs, soaps, incense and healings. Then we meditate, pray & chant mantras together bring forth the masters, saints, your angels and your spirit guides to assist with your ritual.
Then we begin by lighting your Archangel Gabriel candle, Astrology candle, both your Lemon Yellow & Light Blue image candles, and your Light Blue pyramid candle. Afterwards we begin your Emerald Green & Light Blue 7 knob candles, and your St. John candle.
Each day of your ritual the group of us meditate, pray & chant mantras over your set of candles. We do this as long as any candle is still burning.
The religious candles burn between 7 and 8 days. The pyramid candle takes about 6 to 7 days; the 7 knob candles are burnt at a rate of 1 knob each day, your Astrology candle burns for 7 days and the image candles take about 10 to 12 hours to complete.
You will be asked to make a list of the things you want to renew, manifest, enhance, or release in or from your life. I will ask you to send me this list so I may print it out. Then I put it under the candles until the last one is completed. At the next high noon I take your list outside and burn it so the Universe assists in your desires.
You may also be interested in doing some affirmations that would enhance the ritual as well as your life. I have a page on my site that has some very powerful affirmations and a technique given to me by the angels that has proven to be very affective. The page is at
The Summer Solstice marks the first day of the season of Summer in the northern hemisphere.
In the northern hemisphere, the longest day of the year (near June 22) when the Sun is farthest north. The declination of the Sun on the (northern) Summer Solstice is known as the Tropic of Cancer. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, respectively, in the sense that the length of time elapsed between sunrise and sunset on this day is a maximum for the year.
The candles used for this ritual
2 Religious Candles
1 St. John (John the Baptist) Candle
1 Archangel Gabriel Candle
2 Male/Female Image Candles
1 Lemon Yellow Candle
1 Light Blue Candle
2 7 Knob Candles
1 Emerald Green 7 Knob Candle
1 Light Blue 7 Knob Candle
1 Pyramid Candles
1 Light Blue Pyramid
1 Astrology Candle YOUR Sun Sign
Length of Time: 8 to 9 days
Fees: $280.00 USD (per person).
Spaces obtainable: 100
SPECIAL OFFER: If you refer 5 people who order this ritual then your ritual is free!
Ordering the 2018 Summer Solstice Ritual will commence the end of May, 2018
I invite to visit my various ANNUAL RITUALS
If you need assistance please contact MariaSuzonne, my administrator

I send you love. Enjoy YOUR Summer *S*
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