The 2007 New Year’s Blessings Ritual is an extremely powerful ritual. And 2007 promises to be a very very prosperous year; according to numerology. I perform this ritual 4 different times (December 16, January 1, January 16, and February 1) and limit it to just 25 people for each ritual (totalling 100 people). This ritual lays an excellent foundation for the New Year. The purpose of this ritual is that it covers things such as; financial, health, joy, faith, love, happiness, friendships, children, luck, abundance, communication, self-empowerment, and lots of blessings for the entire year. It also creates positive new ways of thinking about truth, love, joy, peace, equality, abundance, health and unification with God. At the same time it helps release thoughts of lack, anger, limitation, doubt, fear, guilt, worry, low self-esteem, impoverished thinking and feelings.
December 16, 2006: Begins at sunset on December 16th. Second part goes from December 17th through December 30th or 31st.
January 1, 2007: Begins at sunset on December 31st. Second part goes from January 1st through January 14th or 15th.
January 16, 2007: Begins at sunset on January 16th. Second part goes from January 17th through January 30th or 31st.
February 1, 2007: Begins at sunset on January 31st. Second part goes from February 1st through February 14th or 15th.
Some people have asked how the ritual is done and what they need to do. So I thought I would give you some more insight.
WHAT WE DO: This is based on January 1st ritual, which always seems to be the most popular. Probably because that is when we start our New Year’s Resolutions. I always begin my at least a week before to get a running start; sort to speak. I use that week as a jump start. 😉
The first ritual begins at sunset on New Year’s Eve when myself, MariaSuzonne, and 6 others cleanse my home and ourselves with herbs, soaps, incense and healings. Then we meditate, pray & chant mantras together until midnight . At midnight we begin the actual rituals, which takes about an hour and a half per person’s ritual. If you are thinking, “when do they sleep?”; well we don’t sleep nor eat until all the rituals initiated, which is usually about noon of January 2nd. Then we only have about 3 hrs to eat or sleep and this continues for the entire two months of the 4 beginning dates. What’s so amazing is that we are never really sleepy nor hungry. Then energy of the rituals are so high and pure that sleeping or eating is secondary. It is also because we know that we have helped lay a spectacular foundation for each person’s new year and that is so uplifting and exhilarating. (I must confess, we sleep & eat a lot a few days before the first beginning date. *S*)
The actual rituals begin at midnight; with the beginning of January 1st and continues through the 14th or the 15th (some people’s candles burn longer for what ever reason). Each and every one of the days of your ritual the 8 of us circle your ritual candles to pray, meditate, visualize a your desires manifesting, mudras, & chant mantras over your set of candles. We do this as long as there is any of your candles still burning.
Every few days I will take the time to personally send you an update of your New Year’s Blessings ritual’s progress. That way you will know how the candles are burning and what that means.
Before the ritual begins I would like you to make an extremely detailed list of what you want the upcoming year to bring into your life. Please send a copy to MariaSuzonne so that we have it for your ritual.
I will be sending you some incense that is to be burnt in conjunction with the ritual. You will burn about 1/4 of a teaspoon per day around the same time. I make this incense and it can only be burned on incense charcoal. I do not send the charcoal as it would get too crushed. So make sure you purchase enough charcoal for the entire ritual. I recommend you breaking each charcoal in half as you will not use much of the incense. The type of charcoal I want you to use is actually called ‘incense charcoal’. It is the type used in churches and can be bought at a religious supply store. If you plan on getting it on line then email MariaSuzonne and she will tell you the site we use. And please know this is not your barbecue charcoal. That kind, used inside, would smell up your house and furniture and most importantly choke you.
Beginning the day the ritual is started spend at least 5 minutes of your day with the list that you made. Read it. Get your senses into what you want for the year: see it; smell it; hear it; taste it; touch it; and feel it. If you need any assistance with the list just email MariaSuzonne and she can help you.
If you would like the ritual done at one of these dates, please request it at least 10 days in advance, in the US and Canada; 15 days in other countries, so I can get your package to you in time. The procedure of the ritual and what you do will be the same as above, just different dates.
The candles are all solid soy wax, and a hemp wick. The price includes the spell, the candle, oils, powders, incense, gemstones and herbs.
Rainbow Candle
For the New Year’s Blessings Ritual I use:
3 Rainbow Candles (shown above);
1 Rust Pyramid Candle;
1 white male/female Image Candle;
1 pink or light blue male/female Image Candle;
(determined by your gender)
1 Astrology Candle;
9 Religious Candles
1 St. Gabriel Candle;
1 St. Michael Candle;
1 St. Raphael Candle;
1 St. Anthony of Padua;
1 Holy Spirit Candle;
1 Dama du Milagrosa (Miraculous Lady)
1 23rd Psalms Candle;
1 Miraculous Mother Candle;
1 Crucifixion Candle
The image candles take approximately 8 to 10 hours to burn; the pyramid rainbow candle takes about 6 to 7 days; the 3 rainbow candles take 14 to 15 days and the astrology candle and religious candles take about 7 to 8 days to complete. You can imagine what my home is like with all the New Year Ritual candles burning and that is not including the candles burning for other rituals. It is amazing over all the years I have never had a neighbor call the fire department. God protects!
Length of Time: 15 to 16 days
If you purchase these candles separately it would cost $610.00. However, as the 2007 New Year Blessings Ritual the fee is:
Individuals: $450.00 per person (plus S&H)
Couples: $675.00 per couple – see couple’s discount see below (plus S&H).
SPECIAL OFFER: If you refer 5 people who order this ritual then your ritual is free!
We are performing this ritual for only 100 people. (25 people for each of the four dates)
December 16, 2006 – orders must be in no later than December 2, 2006
January 1, 2007 – orders must be in no later than December 17, 2006
January 16, 2007 – orders must be in no later than January 2, 2007
February 1, 2007 – orders must be in no later than January 17, 2007
This allots enough time to get your package to you.
REGARDING SPOUSES/COUPLES: Though you are spouses or a couple you are still separate people. You may have common goals for the New Year, yet you each have your personal goals, also. As such, couples order one and a half rituals (same as “buy one; get the second for half price”). Therefore the fee for spouses or couples would be $675.00; instead of $900.00. That gives you a break in the fee and also gives you both your individual rituals. Each of you would make your lists and send a copy to us to use with the ritual itself. When we do rituals for individuals we make sure that each person’s ritual is at least 5 feet away from another person’s ritual. However, with couples we have the rituals about 2 feet apart. This works to cover the common desires and still has the separation to cover each person’s individual goals. (The SPECIAL OFFER in regards to spouses or couples means that you will pay for one and receive the other free.)
Ordering will commence the middle of November, 2006!
If you need assistance, please contact my administrator, MariaSuzonne.
I send you love.
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