Rewards come through hard work on the 3rd. Risk taking is advantageous to your career during the 4th.
On the 5th, listen closely to those around you. You may be able to use what they say to your advantage.
Luck and work go together during the 8th. Opportunity knocks during the 9th. Be sure to listen.
Productivity comes from creativity during the 10th. A smooth day at work for the 12th. If there is a project
at work that you feel can be completed differently, then the 15th provides the go ahead to successfully
completing it. When the 16th arrives, try and find the space that you need to complete a project and don’t
allow others to interrupt you. Traveling and learning are favored for the 18th. Challenge on the 19th leads
to success. Try to stay focused on the job at hand during the 23rd, otherwise, you won’t get a heck of a
lot accomplished. Put your creativity to work for you during the 24th and you can’t go wrong. A smooth
day for the 29th.
Take care of financial matters during the early part of the 4th. Review finances and go over the bills
during the 8th. Be sure that you do not pay for something twice. Shopping is favored for the 13th and the 14th.
Do not offer anyone a loan on the 23rd. An unexpected expense for the 27th. Shopping is favored for the
Do something fun and exciting during the 2nd. A relaxing day awaits for the 6th. Take some time during
the 7th to review your future goals and plans. A family member may need your attention during the 12th.
Open-hearted communication can help heal wounds. When the 15th arrives, if there is something private
that you don’t want spread across town, don’t tell anyone. Communication with family is happily accented
for the 18th. Avoid getting caught in the middle of a family dispute on the 19th. If you leave it alone, it
should pass quickly. Otherwise, you may end up holding the bag. Take some time on the 21st to do a few
things around the home. Get home early on the 24th and rest. A great day awaits for the 25th. Do
something that you enjoy doing most of all on the 27th. Have family over to your place on the 28th and
relax and enjoy the company.
Communication with your partner during the 1st will bring the two of you closer together. Romance
awaits. Spend quality time with your partner during the evening of the 2nd. Relationships blossom on the
12th. Passion for the 14th. Be careful not to jump into something without thinking first, especially when
the 20th arrives. Dinner for two on the 21st should prove to be very romantic. You can meet someone
interesting on the 27th. Passion grows during the 30th.
High Energy Days – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 28th, 29th, and 30th
Low Energy Days – 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th
Special Days – 7th, 16th, and 25th

Put your creative side to work for you during the 3rd. Risk taking is rewarding on the 4th. A fast and
productive day at work for the 5th. Success comes on the 8th. Put your creative side to work for you
during the 9th. On the 10th, if you need a helping hand, ask for one. It will make the job easier. Deals and
contracts should go smoothly during the 12th. Rewards come through hard work on the 15th.
Communication is favored for the 16th. Make those phone calls that you�ve been putting off. An exciting
day at work for the 17th. Projects are favored. Tension at work for the 19th, however, once the day is
through, you don’t have to look back. Travel and business are favored for the 20th. A smooth day for the
23rd. Go with your instincts when it comes to reaching a decision on the 24th. Lend a helping hand to an
associate on the 29th. A smooth and successful day for the 30th.
Shopping is favored for the 4th and the 5th. However, try and avoid shopping on the 6th, if you can.
Applying for extra credit is favored for the 12th, but shop around before signing on the line. If you go
shopping during the 14th, be sure to keep your purchases to a minimum. Finances should improve a bit
around the 26th.
Communication with friends is the perfect medicine for whatever ails you on the 1st. Spend quality time
with friends on the 2nd. Be careful of whom you tell what to on the 12th, as someone that you may
consider to be a good friend, may not be all they seem cracked up to be. Relax during the 13th and take
care of a few things that need to be done around the home. Spend some time doing something that you
enjoy doing on the 14th. Pick up the phone and give a relative a call on the 17th. You could have an
interesting conversation. Smooth sailing for the 25th. Surround yourself with people that you care about.
Travel and recreation mix well on the 26th. Do something fun for a change when the 27th arrives. Take
some time during the 28th to do a few things that you have neglected lately. Get together with a close friend
on the 30th.
Romance blossoms during the 3rd and the 4th. Passion for the 5th. Meet that special someone on the 6th.
Your heart could skip a beat on the 10th when passion rises. Dinner for two during the 19th can lead to
splendor. Spend time with your partner and enjoy each others company on the 21st. A new love or a new
beginning in love enters your life during the 28th. Love and passion for the 29th.
High Energy Days – 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th
Low Energy Days – 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th
Special Days – 6th, 15th, and 24th

A quick and productive day awaits for the 3rd. Success and productivity go together on the 4th. Expect
positive reactions to your ideas when the 5th arrives. Success is in the air during the 8th. When the 9th
arrives, be sure to lend a helping hand to an associate. The favor will be returned when you need it the
most. Brainstorming on the 11th can lead to success. Travel is favored for the 12th. Do not rush into
making any business decisions on the 16th, as you may need time to consider all the facts. A somewhat
bumpy start to the 17th, but as the day continues, the problems disappear. A smooth day awaits for the
18th. Good news in business for the 22nd. Learning is favored for the 23rd and again on the 24th. Extra
work for the 29th brings rewards.
Financial luck arrives around the 5th. Extra money means some extra shopping, so why not stock up on a
few items. Be careful when applying for credit during the 12th or the 13th. Shop around for the best
interest rates. Shopping for the home is favored for the 14th and again on the 16th. Shopping is favored
for the 27th.
A smooth day for the 1st. Get together with friends on the 2nd and have a laugh or two. Do something
nice for someone you know on the 5th. The self-gratifying rewards are worth the effort. Spend quality
time with family members during the evening of the 6th. Take some time on the 7th to catch up on some
errands or things needing your attention at home. Quality time with family members is rewarding on the
10th. Spend time with friends during the 13th. When the 18th arrives, call it an early day, if you can and
try to get some rest. A somewhat hectic morning for the 25th, but all in all, it should be a very pleasant
day. Communication with family during the 26th should prove to be interesting. Take what they have to
say with a grain of salt. Travel and recreation go hand and hand during the 28th. Luck and happiness for
the 29th.
Romance blossoms on the 6th. Passion is in the air during the 9th. Romance beckons during the 12th.
Meeting someone that you would like to spend time with is likely during the 13th. Dinner for two turns to
romance on the 16th. First dates and renewed love are highlighted for the 19th. Share your feelings with
your partner on the 21st. Romance awaits on the 23rd if you can avoid a disagreement with your mate.
Passion for the 28th.
Low Energy Days – 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd
Special Days – 5th, 14th, and 23rd

Success is in the air during the 2nd and the 3rd. Business matters are favored on the 4th. Opportunity is
out there on the 5th. Lend a helping hand to an associate during the 8th. They will return the favor two fold
when you need it the most. Luck and business mix for the 9th. Don’t take everything so seriously when
the 10th arrives. Put your creative side to work for you on the 12th, you will be amazed at what you can get
done. Shear your ideas with others during the 16th or the 17th. Don’t volunteer for extra duties when the
18th arrives. You probably have enough on your calendar as it is. Early morning distractions for the 18th,
but by afternoon, you should be accomplishing a great deal. Communication is favored for the 19th. Take
advantage of it. Brainstorming is favored on the 22nd. A smooth day at work awaits for the 23rd. Stress
on the job for the 24th. Pay attention to details on the 29th.
Shopping is favored for the 3rd and the 4th. Applying for credit is in your favor during the week of the
8th. Shopping for large purchases is favored for the 13th. Review finances on the 22nd. Avoid financial
risk taking during the 26th.
Travel is favored for the 6th. Friendships improve starting on the 7th. Spend some time at home during the
7th to get a few things done. Invite a friend over to your place during the 9th. Be careful of who you tell
what to when the 11th arrives, otherwise, you may find your personal business repeated to others. Do
something to relax when the 14th arrives. Make plans to get out with friends on the 17th. Have some fun
for a change. Travel is favored on the 24th. The 25th brings harmony and fun. When the 26th arrives,
although it will be very tempting, try and avoid offering your opinion on a matter that really doesn’t
concern you. Get together with a friend on the 27th. Spend quality time with someone that is close to you
during the 28th. It will be good for the both of you. Have a friend or two over to your place on the 30th.
Spend quality time with your honey on the 5th. Romance beckons during the 6th. You could meet someone
interesting on the 7th or the 8th. Romance blossoms during the 12th. Commitment may be the key word on
the 17th. Communication leads to passion during the 20th. Do something nice for that special person on
the 29th.
High Energy Days – 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th
Low Energy Days – 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th
Special Days – 13th, 22nd, and 31st

I send you love.
Image and content Copyright Circle of Light, 1995 thru 1999. All rights reserved.