Charting your biorhythm can help you better understand what is happening in your life on a daily basis.
Biorhythms are based on the age old concept that certain aspects of your life move in cycles. There are four aspects to take into consideration; your Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, and Intuitive. The cycle is based on a sine wave, each starting at 0 on the day of your birth. Each of the different aspects cycles at a different rate. To give you a better perspective it – think about how different people feel depending on the season of the year or how people seem to change during a full moon. The same type of concept is applied to your inner vibration in biorhythm.
- Physical cycles once every 23 days
- Emotional cycles once every 28 days
- Intellectual cycles once every 33 days
- Intuitive cycles once every 38 days
Each of these cycles starts at the time of birth. From this point, each of the cycles starts to rise up through its active phase until it falls back to the zero level. Then it continues through the zero level to go on to a passive phase. Then it raise again to the zero level to begin all over again.
Each time the cycle crosses the zero level from the active to the passive phase, it is said to be in a critical state – “critical day”.
When the cycle crosses the zero level from the passive to active phase it is said to be in a zero state – “zero day”. In the active phase the abilities associated with the particular cycle are high. When the cycle is in its passive phase the abilities are diminished.
During the critical day the associated abilities are unstable, and you need to be very cautious. The zero day varies as the abilities are unstable during these days as well.
Though the zero day is better than a critical day because the cycle is heading towards the active phase. In charting it is important to look at every influence in the combination of all the cycles.

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