ALL information must be exactly as appears on your credit card statement:
First Name:
Last Name:
Postal Code:
Phone number:
Your gender: (Male or Female)
How did you hear about our Numerology Charts?
(If through a search engine, please let us know which one. (ie. – yahoo, excite, infoseek, etc.)
(Fill out completely yourself. If birth time is unknown, we will assume noon.)
Your full name at birth: (as appears on birth certificate)
Your date of birth: (Include month, day and year)
Time: (please include a.m. or p.m.)
City of birth:
Information Necessary for Couple Report ONLY.
(Fill out completely for the second person. If birth time is unknown, we will assume noon.)
Your parnter’s full name now: (if different then birth name)
Your partner’s full name at birth: (as apprears on their birth certificate)
Your date of birth: (Include month, day and year)
Time: (please include a.m. or p.m.)
City of birth:
Types of Charts
(Please, click the appropriate box for the Reports You Wish to Order.)
* Individual charts:
$125.00 – USD
* Couples chart:
$200.00 – USD
Shipping & Handling (S&H): (Only applies to reports sent via snail mail. Each report is beautifully bound & ready as a special gift to yourself or to a friend)
Within the United States:
$8.95 – USD
Outside the United States:
$12.95 – USD
No S&H for reports sent via email
Add your local tax to the total.
The Amount: USD ( Include decimal point and 2 digits for cents)
Thank you and many blessings to you and yours! You will be receiving an email invoice immediately.
And soon you will receive an email from my administrator.
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Once you “Click here for secure payment form” you will be taken to the next page. There you will be asked for your credit card number and your “Card Code”. If you do not know what a ‘Card Code’ is, please
Click here for futher explanation.