The human mind is like an umbrella: it works better when it opens. It is fun to answer the questions, but please follow the instructions.
Caution! Answer the questions step by step. This test has only three questions, but if you scroll down and see the answers before finishing, your results will not be honest or accurate. Scroll your screen slowly and write down your answers.
This is a serious questionnaire that will tell you a lot about your inner self.
First, order the following animals according to your preference:
a) Cow;
b) Tiger;
c) Sheep;
d) Horse;
e) Pig.
Second, write a word that describes each of the following:
a) Dog;
b) Cat;
c) Rat;
d) Coffee;
e) Ocean.
Third, think about someone (who also knows you and is important to you) that can be related to the following colors (do not repeat your answers.) Name only one person per color:
a) Yellow;
b) Orange;
c) Red;
d) White;
e) Green
Did you finish? Verify that all your answers are accurate.
Now, look at the answers below
This will define your priorities in life:
Cow: means career.
Tiger: means pride.
Sheep: means love.
Horse: means family.
Pig: means money.
Your description of Dog implies your own personality.
Your description of Cat implies your spouse or couple’s personality.
Your description of Rat implies the personality of your enemies.
Your description of Coffee is how you interpret sex.
Your description of Ocean implies your own life
Yellow: Someone you will never forget.
Orange: Someone you could consider a good friend.
Red: Someone you really love.
White: Your twin soul.
Green: Someone you will remember all your life.
This is what the Dalai Lama has said about the millennium:
“If someone does not smile at you, be generous and offer your own smile. Nobody needs a smile more than the one that cannot smile at others.”