ESP Test

ESP Test

This test is about extrasensory perception.

One of the colors below has already been selected.

Your task is to choose which one and click on it. As soon as you click one color another color will be selected. Then you choose again.

After 20 or more tries you can request an evaluation, how you went. At any time you can restart the test from the beginning.

I do suggest that you do this in a relaxed quiet environment. Do not rush. Just concentrate focusing on the colors. Then choose a color.

You guessed:
In fact it was:
This is
Total Correct:

Tries Total
Expected Score
Achieved Score
Mean Deviation Sigma
1 to 3 Sigma Boundary

The Anti_Coincidence_Probability is defined as the probability to achieve less hits than you did (only considering
chance). Probabilities are measured as numbers between 0 (impossibility) and 1 (certainty). Results outside the
3 sigma (3 times mean deviation) boundary are extremely significant.

If you are a skeptic, you might have found, that after many tries you
actually achieved a lower than average success rate. This is called
“negative PSI” and should make you think too…

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