By Bruce DeBoer
- Danburite:
- Clear crystal. Powerfully radiates bright, pure, white light, filling our body, mind, and spirit (and relationships) with loving light. Excellent to cleanse, purify, or debrief. Fills 3rd eye and Crown chakras with joy and illumination. Brings truth, honesty, a smile to the heart and open receptivity to mind and spirit. Strengthens mind, nervous system, life force, awareness. Program for particular uses. Excellent healing tool. H:7; CTRS: all, especially 6 & 7
- Desert Rose:
- A gypsum. Lt. brown. Gently grounding; clarifies thinking and mental vision, perception. Quiets worry, brings out practicality. (Related to Selenite). Reminds us to take time out to smell the roses. Quiets the mind. H:1.5-2; CTR: 3
- Diamond:
- (Carbon) Powerfully absorbs and amplifies thoughts/attitudes of user, other gems, and wearer’s strengths and weaknesses: Prosperity, generosity/ vs. miserly; love vs. distrust; overview, spirituality vs. lust, immediate gratification. Used with loving, clear intent; clears blocks, opens crown CTR: spiritual love, peace. Clarity, trust, confidence. Cleanse thoroughly (It can hold our other’s previous attitudes, emotions…) Ancients also used for detoxifying. H:10; CTR: All, especially: 7; T (dust)
- Diopside:
- Clear, deep green. Deep healing and expansion of Heart center, love, commitment, trust humbleness, heart, lungs, etc. Yin. H:5-6; CTR:4,4b
- Dioptase:
- Tiny deep blue-green silicate crystals. Its powerful green reaches deep into the heart CTR to release and heal sadness, heartache, abuse, neglect…Converts loss (recent/childhood) into self-love. Empowers heart with new depth, strength, healthiness, courage, ability to love deeply, unconditionally. Connects emotional heart with spiritual heart to receive abundance. Promotes genuineness, sincerity, emotional balance, self-worth, deep well-being. Central Nervous System, lungs, heart, blood pressure, stress. Can send healing deep into the earth. H:5; CTR: 4,4b,5; T (has high copper)
- Dolomite:
- Pink/pastel/milky to clear. Clear varieties, especially pink are used to softly open and heal heart CTR. Soothes hurt, loneliness, anxiety, etc. Facilitates giving and receiving, generosity, spontaneity, creativity, energy uplift. Calcium content strengthens bones, teeth, muscles, woman’s reproductive system; helps PMS. H:3.5-4; CTR: 1,4,4b
- EILAT Stone:
- (chrysocolla and malachite) (incl. turquoise). Excels in healing emotional and physical aspects of heart/lungs and throat chakras. Flushes out/heals hurt, fear, stress, loss. Antidepressant. Sinuses, mouth; Bone and tissue regeneration. On Solar Plexus: Aligns the subtle bodies, harmonizes heart, mind, and body. Wholeness, peace of heart, self-expression, creativity. Balances yin/yang. Draws out pain, inflamation, fever. CTR: 3-5; T
- Elestial:
- Special form of clear/smokey qtz. Changes confusion/illusions to clarity, seeing truth, overview. Ehances psychic abilities; openness to higher self/God/spirituality. Stimulates crown chakra/pineal to rise above situations, emotions. May initially intensify lower thoughts (ego, denial, self-judging…) to release these blocks to open heart/mind. Healing brain cells from drug/alcohol use. “All-seeing Stone” brings infusion of light. Use as a bridge stone to enhance energy flow between chakras. H:7; CTR:1,7
- Emerald:
- Beryl. Strengthens heart center for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, honesty. Lifts depression, insomnia. Knowing feeling of the heart, peaceful dreams. Breathing, heart, lymph nodes, blood, thymus, pancreas (blood sugar balancing), labor/delivery, eyesight, and etheric field. Excellent general healer. Ancient blood detoxifier and anti-poison. Androgynous. H:7.5-8. CTR:4,4b; T (aluminum)
- Epidote:
- Deep green, striated. Strengthens over all health, heart, well-being, energy. Courage, stamina. Helps take good care of one’s self (food, rest, etc.) H:6-7; CTR:1,4
- Fluorite:
- All rainbow colors. Important for balancing and healing. Opens heart (especially green), throat and 2 highest CTRS for clarity, overview, seeing additional truths/realities. Spleen bones, teeth, lungs, detoxification, anxiety, insomnia. Clear and
Purple: Objectivity; clears the way for new things, uplifting, aura cleanse, 3rd eye, eyesight, sinuses; repels colds. Enhances other gems.
Green: Stills mind and heart, harmonizes and recharges all centers.
Blue: Throat, nose, ears, soothing; Karmic impasses resolved, atonement relieved.
Yellow: Focus, cooperation, group alignment. Yttrium: Lavender, well-being, serenity, peace, connection with universe/God/eternal life force.
Clusters: lowers work/life stress (helpful on your desk)
Double Pyramid: Aligns spirit with physical plane, inner with outer awareness, and 2 sides/brain; crown
chakra, illuminating karmic lessons. H:4; CTRS: All, esp 4-6 (Match color with Chakra)
- Fuchsite:
- Muscovite. Mica-like flaky light green. Light heartedness, friendliness, compassion, recovery, immunity. Speeds deeper healing. H:2-2.5; CTR:4
- Garnet:
- (Only clear is used for healing) Use cut and polished. The brighter the better.
Red: 1st and 2nd CTRS. Warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritus, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low BP, detoxifying and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balancing, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness). Yang (avoid if excess anger, impatience, high blood pressure, heat, inflammation, etc.) 1st/root CTR.
Warmth, energy. 2nd CTR. Green: CTR:1,4; H:7-7.5; T (aluminum)
- Gem Silica:
- Gem quality Chrysocolla. Highly Evolved. See Silica. T (copper)
- Gold:
- Excellent all-purpose, high level gem amplifier and electrical conductor, especially on solar plexus and heart CTRS. Strengthens meridians, nerve system, digestion. Positively charged with warming sun energy. Often warn by teachers/healers, especially after much self-healing (addictions, childhood…) Attracts prosperity, stores, amplifies thoughts/emotions/energy (Greed too). Yang. Pink = Gold + copper. Lovingness, warmth, spirituality. Amplifies gem effects.
White: Combines sun and moon’s energy, thus higher conductor and amplifier. H:2-3; CTR:3,4,7 - Goldstone:
- Medium brown with tiny coppery glitter. Reported to be a man-made form of sunstone originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold. Gently uplifting, mildly helpful to solar plexus CTR, to reduce stomach tension, protect center of body. CTR:3
- Hawk’s Eye/Falcon’s Eye:
- Natural Green, grey or blue Tiger’s eye-like quartz. Helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and unflinchingly, as from a Hawk’s eyes. Stomach and brow chakras. Blue: Deepens meditation. helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow. H:7; CTR:3-6
- Hematite & Marcasite:
- Silver-gray metallic. (High iron, mercury) One of the most grounding of all stones (root CTR). Condenses the sense of being scattered, fuzziness into mental clarity, concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work, sound sleep. Confidence, will power, boldness. Egyptians used also to calm hysteria and anxiety. Yang. Helps us adjust to being physical. Spleen, blood, cleanse. Can deflect. Regroups after jet lag, stress, birth, anesthesia. H:6; CTR:1-3
- Herkimer Diamond:
- A special clear quartz. Shifts brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness, opening the brow and crown CTRS for a strong, clear channel, psychic readings, meditation, OBEs. May take one too “high”/spacey to wear. The “Dream stone” – in meditation or pillow, it wonderfully enhances visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall.
Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; use as bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the chakras. Cleanse often. H:7; CTR:All especially 6,7 - Hiddenite:
- A spodumene, like kunzite. Green. Best known for drawing prosperity. Clears heart to receive. Eases love or $ loss. Calming. H:6-7; CTR:4; T(Aluminum)
- Howlite:
- White. Gently absorbs and uplifts stress, tension, anxiety, emotional intensity, etc. Quietly loving, calming. Works with the heart center, bringing greater gentleness, patience, tact. Helps bones, teeth, and other calcium aspects of body. H:5.5; CTR:4b
- Iolite:
- (Cordierite) Clear bluish-lavender. Opens a light pathway from Throat chakra up through crown. Truth, simplicity, imagery, peace. Living at higher awareness level. Alcohol/addiction detoxifier, sobriety. A newer stone recently more available. H:7; CTR:6,7; T (Aluminum)
- Jade:
- Solid to translucent. Green. Health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient Chinese used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system. Androgynous. A gentle, steady energy. H:6.5-7; CTR:4
- Jasper:
- Chalcedony qtz. Multi-colored, solid. Yellow, orange, brown, green.
Yellow for stomach, intestines, liver, spleen areas. earthy
grounding. CTR:3. Green: Respiratory/Heart CTR. General tissue regeneration; mineral assimilation; general healing. Darker colors: more grounding. (Also less conductive for healing) H:All 6.5-7 CTR: 4
- Kunzite:
- Spodumene with lithium. Pink, clear. Powerful, high level stone. Strengthens healers, teachers. Opens the emotional heart and spiritual heart. Unconditional lovingness, compassion. Healing abuse/loss/addictions. helps emotional balance, confidence, connection to higher self, oneness. Reduces depression, mood swings, stress, radiation. Also brow and crown CTRS. Deepens altered state: psychic readings, healing…being centered emotionally and spiritually. H:6-7; CTR: 4, 4b, 6, 7; T (Aluminum)
- Kyanite:
- Light blue, splintery. Placed on brow, this opens 3rd eye and blue’/throat CTRS. Enhances psychic images, foresight, consciousness, meditation, communication. On 3rd eye; answers questions, especially in imagery. Brings out our natural ability to manifest things into reality via thoughts, visualization. Tranquility. H:4-7; CTR:5,6; T (aluminum)
- Labradorite (Clearer/lighter)/Spectrolite (Darker):
- Subtle green/blue/yellow/etc. metallic iridescent. Brings forth each person’s strengths to share with the world. Originality. Easier, more restful sleep. Helps us relate to others. Opens energy flow to solar plexus and brow CTRS and whatever other centers are most in need. Still evolving along with us. Fragile, avoid salt cleansing. H:6+; CTR:3,5,6; T(aluminum)
- Lapis Lazuli:
- Solid, med. to dk. blue. In meditation, opens brow CTR: higher guidance, intuition, connection to higher self, overview, decisions for good of all. Organizes, quiets mind. Opens Throat/Thyroid CTR.: Self-expression, writing, creativity, dream insight…Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, autism, shyness, nervous system; MS, speech, hearing, pituitary, DNA, lymph, inflammation, pain (especially head), protection. H:5; CTR:5,6
- Larimar:
- A gentle, soft, sky-blue Caribbean healer. Brings tranquility of water/sea and air to heart and mind. Soothes and uplifts hurt, fear, depression, pain of life, changes with love. Self-expression, patience, accepting, simplicity, creativity, artwork. With red spots: helps gentle people be assertive. Cools, draws out inflammation, fevers, sunburn heat. Especially helps the creativity and throat CTR. (shoulder, thyroid, nose). Pleasantly uplifts the heart and eases stress. CTR: 4b,5
- Lepidolite:
- (Contains Lithium and mica). Solid lavender to soft pink, dull, sparkling. Calms and relaxes. Gently eases intensity of feelings, stress, mood swings, depression, manic-depression, self-criticism, anxiety, addictions, worrying. Brings hope, relief, gentleness, self-love, patience, self-forgiveness, unworried sleep, mental/emotional balance, well-being. For master gland and immune system, skin, DNA. Balances 2nd and 3rd and Brow chakras with new spiritual love CTR. Fragile; salt water cleanse may cause it to break apart. H:2.5-4; CTR:2,3,4b,6
- Lodestone:
- (Magnetite, Iron). Metallic black, natural magnet. Related to (and works like) hematite for grounding, clear thinking, focus (detail work, decisions, etc.). Electromagnetically pulls toxic blocks and pain from energy meridians, pancreas, and lower glands. Old story of its use for faithfulness test: Unfaithful one is said to fall out of bed if touched by this stone. H:5.5-6.5; CTR:1; T
I send you love.