Charka Cleansing & Balancing is $125.00. Cleansing and Balancing your chakras is extremly important to do on a regular basis. If one chakra is out of balance, the others cannot function well. I recommend, at minimum, 3 times a year; more if going through a difficult time. The best way I can explain it is by using a car as an example. If you hit a curb it throws the alignment out. If you do not get it fixed then it gets worse and worse; affecting various mechanisms of the car, like wearing the tread off the tires. Your chakras are far more important than your car. They are the essence of YOU! Unbalanced, uncleansed chakras can cause emotional, psychical and mental duress, headaches, upset stomachs and other maladies. I do this ritual for myself 3 or 4 times a year. When I am finished my body, mind and spirit feel like I am on a well overdue vacation.
Chakra balancing at least monthly is also something I recommend. It assist in keeping balance, but not as intense as cleansing and balancing. This process takes 5 days and the fee is $80.00. Note: if you meditate then you would not need to do this, but meditation is no answer to having your chakras cleansed and balanced professionally.
If you have any questions please email my administrator, MariaSuzonne, at [email protected] and tell her your situation and what you are seeking.