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dove buttonRev. Cassandra Anaya a professional clairvoyant psychic, who channels three angel (Metatron, Uriel & Yannie). Discounts & gift certificates available. A portion of Rev. Cassandra’s gross income goes to Domestic Violence, Child Abuse & AIDS foundations. I send you love. : )

dove buttonAngel Connections By Lori Psychic Angel Readings. SPECIAL PROMOTION: ONE FREE QUESTION. psychic, angel, tarot or business readings can direct you to abundance and fullness of life.

dove buttonInner Wisdom Consulting, LTD. Psychic Readings by Rachel S. Kohler, MsD – Psychic Readings, Counsultations, Parties, Animal Communication, Spiritual Development, Past Life Regression

dove buttonNice Jewish Psychic Linda Kaye, The Love Psychic of the Web, offers psychic matchmaking and ‘Strictly Kosher Readings’.

dove buttonTarot by Valorie Valorie has been reading the cards for over 8 years and offers very affordable Tarot readings by e-mail, phone or live online.

dove buttonRev. Irma Sawyer, High Touch Healing Arts Offers intuitive readings with a health and healing emphasis, Reiki energy healing sessions in person and at a distance, Reiki instruction is
also available through our Academy.

dove buttonRelying on Joy Psychic services offered to bring peace and understanding to people and animals in need. Readings, healings, channeling, building healthy relationships, help locating lost animals and understanding the needs of our animal companions.

dove buttonThe Lodge of Sande Two Eagles A site for everyone who wishes to fill their life with spirit, beauty, art and literature through her channelings.

dove buttonShelby Lynn~ Professional Clairvoyant with over 20 years experience. Get down to earth answers to life questions concerning love, money, family, career, health and
general matters. Chat Room, Email, Phone and Mail Readings.

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Getting Listed

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DISCLAIMER: The sites listed in this “Business Women’s Resource Directory” are each independent and other than the directory listing are not affiliated nor work for A Circle of Light. Their views and opinions are their own and may or may not be in conjunction with A Circle of Light nor Rev. Cassandra Anaya.

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