OUT TO LUNCH – Event Entertainmentputs the SHOW in Biz-ness events. Helene Weinberg, creator of OTL is an accomplished singer, comic and writer who specializes in performing for business audiences. Want to make your next meeting memorable, call on OUT TO LUNCH. Free consultation. I travel everywhere!
LIPSCHTICK Creative ConceptsThe site has the daily comic strip, which follows the misadventures of two young children trying to make straight the crooked world of grown-ups. It also has an archive of past strips, a collection of eCards, and topic areas for readers to post stories about childhood.
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DISCLAIMER: The sites listed in this “Business Women’s Resource Directory” are each independent and other than the directory listing are not affiliated nor work for A Circle of Light. Their views and opinions are their own and may or may not be in conjunction with A Circle of Light nor Rev. Cassandra Anaya.