Heirarchies of Angels & Man

Song: “You’ll Never Walk Alone”
Composed by: Rodgers & Hammerstein
Lyrics & More

Heirarchies of Angels & Man


For an indepth psychic reading channeled by three angels, click the angel.


The Angelic Choirs (the first three Heirarchies) have evolved over time in Jewish and Christian lore. They are categorized by level of importance and ways with God. By rank, this is a list of the individual choirs. Click on each to see a synopsis of the angels in each choir and what position they hold.


The First Hierarchy – Those closest to God who contemplate God’s goodness.

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The Second Hierarchy – Those who preside over the ordering of the universe.

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The third heirarchy – Those who have dominion over human affairs.

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The last hirerachy – All human life

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Universal I AM (God self, but is universal in nature, yet individual and unique)
The Christ Self #1 (individual I Am expressing on the Christ level of vibration as a perfect child of God; a universal yet individual Christ)
The Christ Self #2 (Christ level; each with individual characteristics, each with a name, yet universal in nature)
The Higher Self (our individual link to God & the upper hierarchies)
Soul Etheric Body (our Soul)
Astral Body (the mental astral body/the chakras)
Mental Body
Conscious Mind
Physical Body


animated heart
I send you love.



Background & some graphics by Enchantress

All info on these angels pages gleaned from:
1- To Ride A Silver Broomstick – Silver RavenWolf
2- The Magus, A Complete System of Occult Philosophy, Book 1&2 – Francis Barrett
3- Ask Your Angels – Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie & Andrew Ramer
4- Dictionary of Angels – Gustav Davidson
5- The Sacred Magic of the Angels – David Goddard
6- What I’ve learned from my angels and the angels I work with.

Intellectual Copyright: A Circle of Light

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