Circle of Light’s

Circle of Light’s
large candle

American Flight 11 (hit WTC North)
United Flight 175 (hit WTC South)
American Flight 77 (hit Pentagon)
United Flight 93 (crashed in Pennsylvania)
World Trade Center (WTC)

medium candle Lt. Glenn Perry, 41 Monroe, NY WTC medium candle John W. Perry, 38 New York, NY WTC medium candle Franklin A. Pershep, 59 New York, NY WTC medium candle Daniel Pesce, 34 New York, NY WTC medium candle Michael J. Pescherine, 32 New York, NY WTC

medium candle Davin Peterson, 25 New York, NY WTC medium candle William R. Peterson, 46 New York, NY WTC medium candle Mark Petrocelli, 29 Staten Island, NY WTC medium candle Lt. Philip S. Petti, 43 New York, NY WTC medium candle Glen K. Pettit, 30 Oakdale, NY WTC

medium candle Dominick Pezzulo, 36 New York, NY WTC medium candle Kaleen E. Pezzuti, 28 Fair Haven, NJ WTC medium candle Lt. Kevin Pfeifer Middle Village, NY WTC medium candle Tu-Anh Pham, 42 Princeton, NJ WTC medium candle Lt. Kenneth Phelan Unknown WTC

medium candle Eugenia Piantieri, 55 New York, NY WTC medium candle Ludwig J. Picarro, 44 Basking Ridge, NJ WTC medium candle Matthew Picerno, 44 Holmdel, NJ WTC medium candle Joseph O. Pick, 40 Hoboken, NJ WTC medium candle Christopher Pickford, 32 New York, NY WTC

medium candle Dennis J. Pierce, 54 New York, NY WTC medium candle Maxima J. Pierre, 40 Bellport, NY WTC medium candle Bernard T. Pietronico, 39 Matawan, NJ WTC medium candle Nicholas P. Pietrunti, 38 Belford, NJ WTC medium candle Susan E. A. Pinto, 44 New York, NY WTC

medium candle Joseph Piskadlo, 48 North Arlington, NJ WTC medium candle Christopher T. Pitman, 30 New York, NY WTC medium candle Josh Piver, 42 Stonington, CT WTC medium candle Joseph Plumitallo, 45 Manalapan, NJ WTC medium candle John M. Pocher, 36 Middletown, NJ WTC

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