Circle of Light’s

Circle of Light’s
large candle

American Flight 11 (hit WTC North)
United Flight 175 (hit WTC South)
American Flight 77 (hit Pentagon)
United Flight 93 (crashed in Pennsylvania)
World Trade Center (WTC)

medium candle Paige F. Hackel, 46 Newton, MA AA Flight 11 medium candle Peter Hashem, 40 Tewksbury, MA AA Flight 11 medium candle Robert Hayes, 37 Amesbury, MA AA Flight 11 medium candle Ted Hennessey, 35 Belmont, MA AA Flight 11 medium candle John Hofer Unknown AA Flight 11

medium candle Cora Holland, 52 Sundbury, MA AA Flight 11 medium candle Nicholas Humber, 60 Newton, MA AA Flight 11 medium candle Carl Hammond, 37 Boston, MA UA Flight 175 medium candle Christine Hanson, 3 Groton, MA UA Flight 175 medium candle Peter Hanson, 32 Groton, MA UA Flight 175

medium candle Sue Hanson, 35 Groton, MA UA Flight 175 medium candle Gerald F. Hardacre, 62 Carlsbad, CA UA Flight 175 medium candle Eric Hartono Unknown UA Flight 175 medium candle James E. Hayden, 47 Westford, MA UA Flight 175 medium candle Herbert Homer, 48 Milford, MA US Flight 175

medium candle Michael R. Horrocks Glen Mills, PA 1st Officer UA Flight 175 medium candle Stanley Hall, 68 Rancho Palos Verdes, CA AA Flight 77 medium candle Michele Heidenberger, 57 Chevy Chase, MD Flight Attendant AA 77 medium candle Leroy Homer, 36 Marlton, NJ 1st Officer UA Flight 93 medium candle Diane M. Hale-McKinzy, 38 Alexandria, VA Pentagon

medium candle Carolyn Halmon, 49 Washington, DC Pentagon medium candle Sheila Hein, 51 University Park, MD Pentagon medium candle Ronald J. Hemenway, 37 Shawnee, KS Pentagon medium candle Maj. Wallace C. Hogan, 40 Florida Pentagon medium candle Jimmie I. Holley, 54 Lanham, MD Pentagon

medium candle Angela Houtz, 27 La Plata, MD Pentagon medium candle Brady K. Howell, 26 Arlington, VA Pentagon medium candle Thomas Hughes, 46 Unknown Pentagon medium candle Peggie Hurt, 36 Crewe, VA Pentagon medium candle Lt. Col. Stephen N. Hyland, 45 Burke, VA Pentagon

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