Circle of Light’s

Circle of Light’s
large candle

American Flight 11 (hit WTC North)
United Flight 175 (hit WTC South)
American Flight 77 (hit Pentagon)
United Flight 93 (crashed in Pennsylvania)
World Trade Center (WTC)

medium candle Maria Lavache, 60 New York, NY WTC medium candle Denis F. Lavelle, 42 Yonkers, NY WTC medium candle Jeannine M. LaVerde, 36 New York, NY WTC medium candle Anna A. Laverty, 52 Middletown, NJ WTC medium candle Robert A. Lawrence, 41 Summit, NJ WTC

medium candle Nathaniel Lawson, 61 New York, NY WTC medium candle Eugene Lazar, 27 New York, NY WTC medium candle James Leahy, 38 New York, NY WTC medium candle Lt. Joseph G. Leavey, 45 Pelham, NY WTC medium candle Neil Leavy, 34 New York, NY WTC

medium candle Leon Lebor, 51 Jersey City, NJ WTC medium candle Kenneth C. Ledee, 38 Monmouth, NJ WTC medium candle Alan J. Lederman, 43 New York, NY WTC medium candle Elena Ledesma, 36 New York, NY WTC medium candle Alexis Leduc, 45 New York, NY WTC

medium candle Gary H. Lee, 62 Lindenhurst, NY WTC medium candle Hyun-joon Lee, 32 New York, NY WTC medium candle Jong-min Lee Unknown WTC medium candle Juanita Lee, 44 New York, NY WTC medium candle Kathryn B. Lee, 55 New York, NY WTC

medium candle Lorraine Lee, 37 New York, NY WTC medium candle Myung-woo Lee, 41 Lyndhurst, NJ WTC medium candle Richard Y. C. Lee, 34 Great Neck, NY WTC medium candle Stuart Lee, 30 New York, NY WTC medium candle Yang D. Lee, 63 New York, NY WTC

medium candle Stephen Lefkowitz, 50 Belle Harbor, NY WTC medium candle Adriana Legro, 32 New York, NY WTC medium candle Edward J. Lehman, 41 Glen Cove, NY WTC medium candle Eric A. Lehrfeld, 32 New York, NY WTC medium candle David R. Leistman, 43 Garden City, NY WTC

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